3016  20-hour New Year's milonga at Providence Tango


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:24:37 -0500
From: Meredith Klein <meredithklein@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: 20-hour New Year's milonga at Providence Tango

Since there has been a lot of discussion about New Year's on Tango-L
lately, I wanted to make sure that everyone knows about the 20-hour
milonga hosted by Providence Tango (in Providence, Rhode Island) from
9 pm on the Dec 31st through 5 pm on the Jan 1st .

I am including text from an email I received from Providence Tango
about the event.

Start off your New Year with 20 hours of continuous dancing at
Providence Tango's 9 to 5 New Year's Eve Milonga.

Providence Tango is one of the funkiest tango communities on the east
coast. With lots of young, energetic and creative "Free Range Tango"
dancers who aren't afraid to lead and follow to both alternative and
traditional music. The space boasts a wopping 3000sq ft. of dance
floor lined by café and lounging areas which are fully equipped with
tables, sofas, futons and comfy chairs. It's a local and viable
alternative to Nijmegen for the Tango obsessed, or those just aspiring.

LAST YEAR, there were dancers from Ann Arbor, Michigan, Denver,
Colorado, Paris, New York, D.C., Philly, San Francisco, Texas, Boston
and Baltimore. Plus, amazing food and inspiring music.

THIS YEAR, the New Years Eve celebration starts at 9pm on December 31,
2004, with music by DJ Robin Thomas and relief DJ, Ben Bogart;not to
mention dancers from both coasts and abroad. Dance for as long as you
dare, through 5pm New Year's Day.

With lots of vegetarian and health conscious options, not to mention
dessert, this is not your average Milonga fare. Alcohol will not be
provided. Our event continues through New Year's day with a
Brunch/Milonga starting at 11am.

Come for New Year's, stay for food, music and non-stop dancing.


Early registration deadline- Dec 8 (by check to Providence Tango 99
S. Bend St. Pawtucket, RI 02860)
$45.00 for the weekend, or $35.00 New Year's Eve Milonga , $15.00
New Year's Day Brunch/Milonga .
After Nov. 30 $55.00 for the weekend, or $40 New Year's Eve Milonga,
$20 New Year's Day Brunch/Milonga.

Check out the Comfort Inn in Pawtucket, mention Providence Tango to
receive the discounted $79 per night rate.

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