738  9 Sep 2002 to 10 Sep 2002


Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 09:44:41 -0700
From: Andrew Allison <Andrew@AALLISON.COM>
Subject: 9 Sep 2002 to 10 Sep 2002

The Digest apparently needs to be better moderated. The subject issue
grossly violates "- Don't quote original unnecessarily on followups" , "-
Don't monopolize the list" and also violates "- Announcements of local
events should go to Tango-A"

On the subject which dominated the issue in question, Rose, who wrote: "As
for retaining men, I think to a large degree that is the responsibility of
the community of women. Beginners feel a lot of pressure. Followers can
help to enable beginning men with encouragement, friendliness, praise and
openness. If men have a good time they are more likely to come back again."
said it all.

Regards to all, Andrew

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