Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:59:35 EDT
From: JDuPuis3@AOL.COM
Subject: MISC: FW: [ATOF] Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Dear Alberto,
I am so very sorry to hear of the losses you, Valorie, and so many others
have experienced from this latest devastating storm.
I think of you often and miss you both very much. I wish there were
something I could do from this distance to aid your circumstances.
I think it was a very right and noble thing to do to continue holding your
tango activities. It provided an outlet that I am sure is helping many
through this crisis. And it cannot have been easy to do in light of your
own feelings of shock and loss. (As well as criticisms that others will make
that it is "frivolous" to be thinking of dancing in the middle of disaster.)
I experienced something similar on a much smaller scale after the earthquake
in the fall of '89, when my friends and I continued to plan and hold a
Halloween party and a Victorian ball, too. They were healthy outlets and
diversions for all of us and did help us "carry on."
I hope you can find a way to disregard the misplaced words of the ignorant
commentator below in the midst of all your other trials.
My love to you and Valorie,
Jean Noroian
Jean Noroian
1438 Lafayette Street, No. 3
Alameda, CA 94501-2658
phone 510-521-3974
cell 510-759-7700
email _LJeanN@aol.com_ (
-----------------------Forwarded Message
In a message dated 8/31/2005 5:17:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
teo77@HOTMAIL.COM writes:
From: "Planet_Tango" <>
Subject: [ATOF] Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:53:04 -0700
From: Yale Tango Club <yaletangoclub@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: MISC: FW: [ATOF] Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Alberto runs his own forum and thankfully the Tango-L crowd is usually spared the mean and horrible things he says. I can't believe religious people can wish such foul curses upon anybody. People like this give religion a bad name. At the very least it's in poor taste, furthermore I think religious statements don't belong in Tango-L.
I don't want to read this no matter how outrageous the insult that gave rise to it (pretty minor if you ask me) or how awful the misfortune that happened to the people in New Orleans.
In any case Theo, if any of us wanted to read this stuff, we would be in Alberto's forum. Can you please refrain from forwarding such mean and shocking language to Tango-L. Thank you.
Theo Bartek <teo77@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
From: "Planet_Tango"
Subject: [ATOF] Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:04:54 +0900
From: astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP>
Subject: Re: MISC: FW: [ATOF] Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Tine wrote:
> Theo,
> Alberto runs his own forum and thankfully the Tango-L crowd is usually
spared the mean and horrible things he says. I can't believe religious
people can wish such foul curses upon anybody.
Please, let's not make rules and judgements about who is allowed to say and
express what when faced with disaster. While cleaning up after devastation,
slinging mud at each other about who has the better manners is not
However, if you want to keep this forum free of cursing each other and
numerous moral high horse statements, fine, let's just talk about tango and
pretend, the rest does not exist. (as though people did not do just the same
when talking about tango styles, ha!). May do something to cheer people up,
at least. Maybe post some funny stuff for a while, like when the movie
studios produced all those great comedies in the Fourties?
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 23:56:49 EDT
From: JDuPuis3@AOL.COM
Subject: MISC: Re: Alberto and Valorie "carry on"
Dear Sarah,
As I shared in my own email response to the Tango-A posting, we also had the
crisis of the 1989 earthquake here in SF.
I wrote to confirm that we found it was beneficial and therapeutic for us to
continue these activities in the wake of our losses and emotional
consequences of the crisis.
We also took the appropriate emergency response actions and there were many
heroic actions by many individuals that to this day were never reported in the
news media--it would not have been possible for the media to track so many
of them!
It is very important to "carry on" for economic reasons as well. When any
community is injured by any devastation, it is essential to continue whatever
"business as usual" can be continued. Otherwise, the economic impact of the
devastation will be even greater to all concerned.
I was very proud of the employees of my own business in 1989, who not only
continued to carry on their regular work schedules, but took time in their off
hours to help people impacted by the earthquake. They kept their "part" of
the economic sector moving along while using their personal time to assist
others. We also took time out at work to talk about the effect of the
earthquake on ourselves and those around us.
We all did these things despite our own respective physical and emotional
states. I call that "noble and heroic" and very "appropriate."
In these ways we were able to respond constructively to both the immediate
emergencies and the impact of the aftermath.
Relating beneficial outcomes of positive actions is not "propaganda."
Sincerely yours,
Jean Noroian
In a message dated 9/1/2005 9:42:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
I received the messages about Alberto & Valerie via the Tango-A, to which I
subscribe. Why was this even posted on the Tango-A? The very reason I dont
subscribe to the Tango-L or the ATOF is to avoid the ugly petty tango
psyco-dramas and propaganda, such as this. This is terribly inappropriate for a
million reasons that I really shouldn't have to explain!
As a resident of NYC who experienced September 11th, I cannot imagine
thinking of tango classes when my entire city is in crisis and so many have died or
are suffering horribly. Unless they are offering those classes for FREE to
the community, I don't see anything noble or heroic about it in the least.
Sarah La Rocca
Continue to tango at Christmas |