222  an important note


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 22:22:37 -0700
From: Howard Schler <hschler@rochester.rr.com>
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To: ISDN listserv <isdn-l@cornell.edu>
Subject: an important note
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As Chairperson of the Ithaca Swing Dance Network I need to tell you that
the decision to go forward with our dance on Saturday was and is a
difficult one. Some have contacted me in private to discuss this decision
candidly, thank you. It is only with the greatest soul searching and
reflection that my personal choice was and is to proceed with our dance
this Saturday. I want you to understand my reasons for coming to this

For several very long and intensely painful days - essentially without
letup - we have all struggled under enormous stress, sorrow and a torrent
of overwhelming emotion. It really is alright and in fact healthy, to
come up for air and to put this out of your mind for at least a little while.

We are a community. Spending time together with people that we know and
care for during times such as this is really excellent. While we come
together to dance, we also come together to share, spend time with our
friends, and know that there is strength and support in one another.

As you may have experienced, this kind of sorrow and many associated
concerns can begin to isolate a person. Whether it be with friends or
family or professional counselors - be with someone that you can share
with, talk to, cry with, dance with...... This may be time for many
things, but it is definitely *not* the time to be alone.

I hope that you understand, and I hope that you will come and dance with us.

Howard Schler

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