945  ANOTHER Cabeceo Perspective!


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:44:23 -0700
Subject: ANOTHER Cabeceo Perspective!

Dear List,

It's been fascinating to follow the discussion re:the pros and cons of the
Cabeceo. It has prompted me to dig up an article my partner and I wrote for
our students which we were later invited to submit for publication to our
local Tango Colorado community newsletter. (Mark Rector, thanks for your
wonderful recent note...you will particularly appreciate this article, we

Below is a link to the text of "The Eye Game: Why Colorado (and ALL!) Tango
Dancers Should Play" to share our perspective, short-sightedness not
withstanding (this is most definitely an issue for MANY of us)!!! Gentlemen,
why stand across the room from a chosen dance partner (especially if you are
forearmed in the knowledge that they are near-sighted)? We recommend
standing discreetly within their sight-line (5 to 8 feet away is perfectly
acceptable without fear of rudeness or intrusion) and applying your direct
gaze with intention (no arm gestures necessary). Messages can be EASILY
received and sent using this method. At that distance, let's face it, we
women KNOW when we're being eye-balled and you men KNOW when you've been
accepted or declined!

As an aside to Carlene of Portland who brought up the subject of teaching
the cabeceo and her feeling the students found it ridiculous, our experience
is quite the reverse. It is very effective and educational to teach use of
the eye game in class settings to everyone's mutual pleasure and delight.
Not only do students learn an interesting cultural/social tidbit about tango
etiquette that can enrich their pleasure and understanding of things
Argentine, you'd be surprised how providing a safe environment to PRACTICE
eye contact can contribute to a beginning dancers' confidence while opening
them to more comfortable, warm interactions with their classmates and all
future dance partners. From our experience, it's a definite win-win. Please
check out our article, "The Eye Game: Why Colorado (and ALL!) Tango Dancers
Should Play" by clicking https://www.danceoftheheart.com/DOTH%20articles.htm

Happy Tangos to All,

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