1795  approach to dancing tango


Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 16:45:35 -0500
From: Stephen Brown <Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG>
Subject: approach to dancing tango

Rose (Razor Girl) wrote:

>Leaders who are taught the idea of indicating
>the lead and then following the follower are
>the better dancers.

Absolutely. Much of the ensuing discussion dealt with the mechanics of
teaching and leaders learning to follow the follower.

I find there is another layer to the idea of the leader following the
follower. That is the leader adjusting his way of dancing to how the
follower dances rather than treating every follower as yet another person
who must dance the leader's dance. I find that doing so leads to a more
collaborative dance that better expresses the connection.

>I like a connection centered approach, where it's not
>so important what the step is, but the quality of the

With best regards,

Stephen Brown
Tango Argentino de Tejas

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