1208  Bias vs. Gender Dance


Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 12:55:09 -0500
From: Bibi Wong <bibibwong@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Bias vs. Gender Dance

Answering Tango Guy

I agree that tango is about passion, but is "passion" only be limited by the
feeling between men and women?

To me the magic of tango, vs. other types of social dancing, lies is the
ability to interpret the magical music that strike the chords of our senses.
"Romantic and passionate feelings between a man and a woman" is just a
facet of our senses.

If you take the time to understand the music, they tell stories of love,
hate, country and politics, hope, teasing, jokes and more. The nonvocal
music also covers equally wide range of emotions.

Tango to me is another form of communication, regardless of the gender, age
and race of the partner.

Technicality is like speaking a language with proper pronounciation and
grammer, so that our idea is understood by our partner.

But if the speaker has limited repretoire of topics, say, he/she can only
flirt (parady of acheiving artistic interpretation, musicality, connection
and passion which depends on the romantic and passionate feelings between a
man and a woman), that person is boring to me too.

Many female AND male with whom I had the pleasure to dance with could
communicate beautifully. I have also danced with some handsome male partners
with great technicality but unfortuantely we never clicked.

Please try "the blind taste test", one may be suprised on how much our bias
influences our judgement sometimes.


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