1708  Body Center, axis, posture.


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 22:04:54 -0800
From: Dan Boccia <redfox@ALASKA.NET>
Subject: Body Center, axis, posture.

J. Rabe explained what I was thinking about leading from the center very

Petra described how Pilates taught her that "moving from your center"
tends to ground the movement. This is EXACTLY what we want in tango -
you cannot move if your connection to the floor (grounding) is

I am challenged by Astrid to relay my real-world experiences with the
short/tall partner connection. To begin, when I write, I edit a lot to
be sure everything I write is within my experience base and will
hopefully add value to discussions on this list..... I dance frequently
with a short woman. The top of her head barely meets my sternum, which
makes her not 12" but somewhere around 18-20" shorter than me (I just
measured this). She likes to lead and I like to follow so we trade back
and forth a lot. We have had very nice dances together with me
following. I do nothing to change my posture when she is leading, nor
does she, we just connect wherever we connect and go off dancing up a
storm. She usually moves from her center, and as a result has a
particularly clear lead, especially when walking simply or doing
rhythmic movements. I can follower her easily, and it's joyful, not a
chore. She also frequently leads a tall woman who is at least 16"
taller than her with high heels, and they have a blast. I'm not going
to say this is anyone's ideal, but I cannot be convinced that the
fundamentals of posture, connection, or even an elegance of movement
need be sacrificed to make the dance happen, height difference or not.
I have also led several taller guys, one who is 6" taller than me, and
invariably, the better-feeling followers of the lot are those who are
grounded, maintain their own axis, and have good posture. Thus, through
a variety of experiences, I have FELT what I described earlier. In
addition, I also know at least 2-3 shorter guys who are fantastic
dancers and enjoy dancing with a select few women who are much taller
than them. These women maintain their axis and posture and as a result
enjoy a great connection and very enjoyable dances with these shorter
guys. Thus, I have SEEN that it is not only possible, but also
enjoyable. Having danced immediately next to these couples at times, I
have also experienced the unmistakable energy of 2 good dancers sharing
a great connection.

About centering, in my experiences as a dance (or skiing, or rock
climbing) instructor, when I explain how to move from (and with!) the
body's center, deep within the very lower torso (perhaps a bit lower
than the belly button) I have seen dramatic improvements in smoothness,
control, grounding, and the right kind of power (not strong power, but
transmittive power, i.e. the power to invite your partner into movement
without force) in the students. In my own dancing, skiing, rock
climbing, mountain bike racing, whitewater boating, etc. it is essential
- the best instructors and athletes of these activities teach and
understand this as their primary fundamental.

I do not lead from the chest, or with the arms. When I'm dancing well,
my movement originates from my center, from my soul, and is transmitted
throughout the rest of my body to my partner. Leading from the center
is something that is FELT, not SEEN. Therefore, a mostly visual and/or
mental learner/observer will not understand this. My very favorite
dance partners no doubt feel when I'm moving from my center, and the
dance becomes very relaxed, fluid, dynamic, unbelievably musical, with a
delightful absence of tension and an uncanny electrical
connection......and thus the "tango trance" comes to life.

Finally, Rose, thanks for affirming that I actually *dance* tango, I'd
say the exact same to you, Rhythm Girl.

Peacefully -
