1024  "Boleos"...led or not?


Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 09:42:01 -0700
From: Brian Dunn <Brian@DANCEOFTHEHEART.COM>
Subject: "Boleos"...led or not?

The boleo conversation caught me up short when I saw people discussing
whether boleos were led or not:
"I'm wondering if its the follower's perogative whether or not to do one in
the first place."

Now that my right shin has almost healed from an enthusiastic follower's
decision to "throw in" an un-led boleo, I urge caution! Terminology may
actually be important here.

My understanding is that the front boleo, like all boleos, is most
definitely a LED move, being a change in direction of the rotation of the
follower's axis which often (if she allows) produces the "whip-like" rebound
of her free leg when her axis reaches its natural rotational limit.

It's true that the follower's adornment (adornment = not led) sometimes
called a "self-gancho" visually resembles a front boleo, but this decoration
lacks the boleo's (led) change in rotational direction, and stays within the
front-cross step-lead offered by the leader. The follower's leg often wraps
around her axis in the same way as a boleo, but results in a front-crossing
step. A front boleo USUALLY won't result in a front-crossing step, because
the follower is USUALLY being asked to change rotational direction in a way
that makes possible exiting the boleo with a back-crossing step.

Once followers start deciding to change rotational direction on their own,
can total bloody chaos be far behind?!?
;> ;> ;>

Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado USA

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