Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 13:49:05 -0300
From: deby novitz <dnovitz@PACBELL.NET>
Subject: Buenos Areas Milongas
I too am a foreign woman living in Buenos Aires. I also agree with both
Cherie and Janis. I think it is very easy for people who only visit
BsAs and who do not speak the language to come to assumptions that
simply are not the life here. I read Tango-L and so many times I wonder
who are these people and what are they thinking?
I realize your reality is what you make it. But please understand -
when you live here and are part of the tango community - the codigos and
the lifestyle of tango are possibly and probably not the same. I love
the codigos and the history of tango. All that Janis described is what
actually occurs in the milongas. I would never dance with a man who
comes to my table to invite me unless he is someone that I know well. I
agree that this type of man is someone who does not dance well, dance at
Yes I have times where I absolutely cannot see across the room and make
eye contact with someone I want to dance with. My friends have been
known to walk by me and to whisper "look at me" so they can invite me to
dance. Probably you read this and think "how stupid, why don't this
just invite me then and there." Several reasons; one maybe that I don't
want to look at them and don't want to dance with them - they would not
want to suffer that humiliation. The other is respect for me and to
preserve the custom.
A culture is a culture. You can choose to accept it or you can choose
to say it is stupid and not accept it. I see this all the time with
Ex-pats and visitors to BsAs. There are those (like myself, Janis, and
Cherie) who have accepted the culture and love it. There are others who
find it difficult and want BsAs to be like where they came from.
As for going to La Viruta for lessons - yes Argentinians do go there -
but it is not generally agreed that this is a place to go when you truly
want to learn to dance. As in any milonga anywhere in the world the
lessons that preceed a milonga are to draw people to the milonga. The
best teachers usually do not teach before a milonga. If you are truly
intent on learning to dance you find the teachers who offer group
classes outside of milongas. Personally speaking, private lessons are
the best way to improve your dancing not group lessons. In my opinion a
group lesson will focus on a pattern or step. Private lessons focus on
you and your weak points.
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 17:01:30 -0400
From: WHITE 95 R <white95r@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Buenos Areas Milongas
The value or lack of value of the tango groups lessons for actually learning
to dance is debatable. However, the value of attending the group lesson at
La Viruta is clear if you want to make contacts and/or friends that you can
later dance with. I think lessons before the milongas are good ice breakers
and can help people "belong" to the group.
>As for going to La Viruta for lessons - yes Argentinians do go there -
>but it is not generally agreed that this is a place to go when you truly
>want to learn to dance. As in any milonga anywhere in the world the
>lessons that preceed a milonga are to draw people to the milonga. The
>best teachers usually do not teach before a milonga. If you are truly
>intent on learning to dance you find the teachers who offer group
>classes outside of milongas. Personally speaking, private lessons are
>the best way to improve your dancing not group lessons. In my opinion a
>group lesson will focus on a pattern or step. Private lessons focus on
>you and your weak points.
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