4580  Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango


Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:00:37 -0400
From: "Daniel Saindon" <gardien@tango.montreal.qc.ca>
Subject: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango

Good evening

On the subject of the Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango


I would like to know how formative & informative the competition
were proven to be for the participants. Do you know anybody
who could provide us with their experience.

I suppose there are critirias on the scorecard that are filled
by the judges on each participants. What are these criterias ?
Are the participants aware of what they are supposed to deliver ?
What are these instructions ? Afterward, are they provided with an evaluation
with points that require improvements ? Is there any teachers who
could prepare these dancers for the competition ? Who are they?

In the best scenario, I undestand, this competition could be as formative
as a Master class by a well known Tango teacher.

I am aware our tango community was approached by
some representatives from the Mundial. I would like to know
more about these competition before I make up my mind
on the benefits derived from these competitions.

Daniel Saindon, Montreal

Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 09:00:21 -0400
From: macfroggy@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango
Cc: gardien@tango.montreal.qc.ca

Dear Daniel,

I don't know if you read my posting last Saturday about my
participation in the Finals of the Campeonato Metropolitano de Tango?
Because the city competition leads into the Mundial this week, I am
supposing the way it is conducted is the same.

My Argentine partner and I qualified for the Metropolitano last May,
along with more than 500 other couples, in various milongas throughout
BsAs. There were booklets and a website with all the rules, including
the judges criteria for scoring. However during the qualifications, and
then the semifinals, and the finals in which we danced, people seemed
to dance however they wanted, heedless of the stated rules. Ruben and I
followed them--feet on floor, continuous movement, no movement out of
the embrace, etc.--but when few of the final 16 (we were among them)
danced like that, including the winners, we said, "Hey, we could have
danced that way also!"
No, there's no way to know how we were judged. The highest and lowest
scores were thrown out, but we don't know who or by whom they were
given, or for what.

Did I learn anything from competing? Not really. But I had fun. That's
all I can tell you. I do feel there is a bias against foreigners, as
Argentines always win (I was the only foreigner in the semifinals and
the tango finals, and maybe that cost us points, I don't know.)

So if you think it'd be fun, go for it! If you think you'll learn to
dance better, forgetaboutit. It is SO subjective, as is any arts
Good luck!

Cherie Magnus

-----Original Message-----

From: gardien@tango.montreal.qc.ca
Sent: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 8:00 PM
Subject: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango

Good evening

On the subject of the Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango


I would like to know how formative & informative the competition
were proven to be for the participants. Do you know anybody
who could provide us with their experience.

I suppose there are critirias on the scorecard that are filled
by the judges on each participants. What are these criterias ?
Are the participants aware of what they are supposed to deliver ?
What are these instructions ? Afterward, are they provided with an
with points that require improvements ? Is there any teachers who
could prepare these dancers for the competition ? Who are they?

In the best scenario, I undestand, this competition could be as
as a Master class by a well known Tango teacher.

I am aware our tango community was approached by
some representatives from the Mundial. I would like to know
more about these competition before I make up my mind
on the benefits derived from these competitions.

Daniel Saindon, Montreal

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Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 15:04:58 -0300
From: "Janis Kenyon" <jantango@feedback.net.ar>
Subject: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango -- judging
criteria and pre-championships
To: "Tango-L" <TANGO-L@MIT.EDU>

Daniel Saindon wrote:

<I suppose there are critirias on the scorecard that are filled
by the judges on each participants. What are these criterias ?
Are the participants aware of what they are supposed to deliver ?
What are these instructions ? Afterward, are they provided with an
with points that require improvements ? Is there any teachers who
could prepare these dancers for the competition ? Who are they?>

No participant has ever been allowed to see the judges' scores from these
competitions. The evaluation criteria is set forth in the entry form--
Salon tango for world competition: maintain the embrace, all movements
within the space allowed by the couple's embrace, musicality, walking style,
movement around the floor; barridas, sacadas close to the floor, enrosques
are allowed; ganchos, leaps, and stage tango are completely excluded; avoid
remaining in the same place for more than two musical measures. I want to
see how well the judges observe these rules during the semifinals and the

The teachers to prepare someone for this competition are those who judge it
every year. Then one will surely have a definite advantage over others. If
your teacher is judging you, he will be able to influence the other judges
on the panel. It is common knowledge that the top ten places aren't
determined by points--they are arranged among the judges.

<I am aware our tango community was approached by
some representatives from the Mundial. I would like to know
more about these competition before I make up my mind
on the benefits derived from these competitions. >

It is no surprise to me that Montreal was approached. You have a strong
dance community of good dancers. Pre-championships were held in more cities
around the world this year than in past years. The result is more
participants at the Campeonato Mundial.

As Cherie wrote, it was a fun experience for her. As far as the benefits of
the competition, I can't think of any other than representing your city in
Buenos Aires. If you're into competing, then sign up. I understand that
pre-championship winner get a portion of their expenses paid to the
Campeonato Mundial.

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 12:19:33 +0900
From: "astrid" <astrid@ruby.plala.or.jp>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango -- judging
criteriaand pre-championships
To: "Janis Kenyon" <jantango@feedback.net.ar>, "Tango-L"

> The teachers to prepare someone for this competition are those who judge


> every year. Then one will surely have a definite advantage over others.


> your teacher is judging you, he will be able to influence the other judges
> on the panel. It is common knowledge that the top ten places aren't
> determined by points--they are arranged among the judges.

May one conclude then that those placed 11th and below were actually judged
for their dance skils, and should be proud of it?


Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 13:04:08 +0900
From: "astrid" <astrid@ruby.plala.or.jp>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango --
judgingcriteriaand pre-championships
To: "Janis Kenyon" <jantango@feedback.net.ar>, "Tango-L"

Well, whatever, just checked:
the results for the semifinals are out and among them are:

tango escenario:
Kawai Aya
Albarracin Manuel Alejandro
Tokio - Japon

Hirai Makiko
Cuello Gonzalo Damian
Tokio - Japon

meaning, these are Gonzalo and Manuel, teaching assistents from Luna de
Tango, and their partners. Gonzalo went up to the semifinals last year too .
Manuel and Aya had been out after the first round. I wish them well. Manuel
has vastly improved to high precision and a soft lead. Gonzalo has been very
good for a while. And Makiko is a brilliant dance partner for him, who has
her own school.
Sebastian is out after the first round, some accident must have happened,
because he is a good dancer too, but it is his first experience at the
campeonato. Laura seemed quite nervous on Sunday when I came to the
practica, while the first rounds were being danced.

And then I see two more wellknown teaching couples from Tokyo, both with an
obvious ballroom background:

tango escenario y tango salon:
Urushihara Arisa - Urushihara Mikage
Tokio - Japon

tango salon:
Tanada Noriko -Tanada Akiyoshi
Tokio- Japon

and 2 or 3 more Japanese couples who I don't know. The Tanadas were on a
photo on that page of Clarin the other day, dancing on the street, that
announced the preparations for the mundial.

> > The teachers to prepare someone for this competition are those who judge
> it
> > every year. Then one will surely have a definite advantage over others.
> If
> > your teacher is judging you, he will be able to influence the other


> > on the panel. It is common knowledge that the top ten places aren't
> > determined by points--they are arranged among the judges.
> >
> May one conclude then that those placed 11th and below were actually


> for their dance skils, and should be proud of it?
> Astrid

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 13:37:24 -0300
From: "Janis Kenyon" <Jantango@feedback.net.ar>
Subject: [Tango-L] V Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango -- finalists
in tango de salon category
To: "Tango-L" <Tango-L@MIT.EDU>

I'm listening to 2x4 radio while reading email and just heard that 37
couples made it to the finals of the salon category after dancing two nights
of semifinal rounds before two judging panels. Among the countries
represented are Italy, Russia, Colombia, Spain, and the United States.

Eduardo Goytia and Cyrena Drusine from New York made it to the finals. The
results will be announced around midnight on Sunday and posted to the

Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 00:35:23 -0300
From: "Janis Kenyon" <Jantango@feedback.net.ar>
Subject: [Tango-L] V Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango -- tango de
salon finalists
To: "Tango-L" <Tango-L@MIT.EDU>


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