4061  Carlos Yannacañedo and Sandra Antognazzi on UNI VISION Wednesday morning!


Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 16:07:08 -0500
From: Carlos Canedo <jinx@THETANGOCOMPANY.COM>
Subject: Carlos Yannacañedo and Sandra Antognazzi on UNI VISION Wednesday morning!

My Peoples,

THE TANGO COMPANY is taking it's manifesto
INTERNATIONAL tomorrow morning!

UNIVISION will be broadcasting a taped interview and
performance of Carlos Yannacañedo and Sandra
Antognazzi on it's internationally-televised morning
show, DESPIERTA AMERICA!, scheduled airthyme
8:00-9:00AM, Wednesday February 22, 2006. The
revolution, my comrades, WILL BE TELEVISED (sorry,
Gil-Scott). Don't miss it! Tell your family, tell a
comrade, tell an enemy, tell a lover, tell a hater!
Tomorrow, at approximately 8:00AM, the world as we
know it will be turned on it's head, for a whole 5
MINUTES!!! Then, it's up to you to keep the flame of
tango revolution burning! I trust you have the heart
and the mind to acheive it...
Check your local listings for exact thymes in your

Tango To The People, Baby!
Carlos Yannacañedo

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