Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 11:55:50 -0700
From: JEAN LEDUC <jean_leduc22@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Fw: Caseron de Tejas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 10:15 PM
Subject: Caseron de Tejas
> My favorite vals is Caseron de Tejas
> 1941
> Lyrics Catulo Castillo
> Music Sebastian Piana
> I am going to share just a little fragment of its lyrics.
> Barrio de Belgrano. Belgrano Neighborhood.
> Caseron de tejas. Big house with red tiled roof.
> Donde esta el aljibe? Where is the water well?
> Donde estan tus patios. Where are your yards?
> Donde estan tus rejas? Where are your iron fences.
> Volveras al piano? Will you play de piano again?
> mi hermana vieja My old sister
> y en las melodias so in the melodies
> viviran los dias the bright days
> claros del hogar of our home will come back.
> ...y como en el cuento like in the stories
> que en las dulces siestas that during the sweet siestas (afternoon
> nos conto el abuelo grandfather told us
> tornara el pianito the little piano
> de la sala oscura in the dark room
> a sangrar la pura will bleed the pure
> ternura de un vals tenderness of a vals.
> Reminiscence is one of the characteristics of tango lyrics.
> In this case two old sisters recall memories of their childhood ? youth?
> Painting a view of a beautiful suburban home at siesta time during the
> summer.
> It always seems that the old times were better. There is a logging for
> things that once were
> important but now are gone for ever.
> The thing I like the most in this vals is the combination of the music
> the words of the lyrics.
> How you ever heard it?
> Salut!
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