Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 07:45:11 -0700
From: Lisa Battan <>
Subject: [Tango-L] Changes in O and P Visa processing in the U.S.
Dear Michael,
You clearly received incorrect advice from your friend at USCIS. What you
have written is entirely incorrect. O and P visas are commonly used by tango
teachers. I have handled many such applications over the years (many years
helping more than 100 dancers or musicians per year).
You can also read a statement by many performing arts unions and labor
organizations about the new changes to the law at:
Or good legal blog postings at:'8
Rather than repeat the law here, I recommend that any one who is considering
working with foreign national tango teachers in the U.S. seek the advice of
a qualified immigration lawyer - whether it is Ray Barbosa, myself of
someone else. Please don't accept legal advice from a nonlawyer or one who
thinks he plays one on T.V.
The changes USCIS has put into effect have the ability to significantly
alter the business of tango in the U.S., especially as it relates to
traveling teachers. I strongly urge those in the U.S. who are interested or
effected, to contact their Congressional Members and urge a change in these
unjustified new policies.
Lisa Battan
The online entry registration period for the DV-2011 Diversity Visa lottery
is October 2, 2009, and Monday, November 30, 2009. Entrants apply on Form
DS-5501, Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form, available only during the DV
open registration period. Contact us if you want more information.
Lisa E. Battan
Lisa E. Battan, P.C.
1909 26th Street, Suite 1F, Boulder, CO 80302
fax: 303-444-4847
toll free: 1-866-614-8668
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Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 14:03:24 -0200
From: Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel <>
Subject: [Tango-L] Changes in O and P Visa processing in the U.S.
Hi all,
I followed the posts by Lisa, Ray and others and must say, that this
topic is really depressing...
This new law will definetely not help the Tango in the USA.
We've been working in the U.S. a couple of times now and always
entered with a P3 Visa. The process of applying for it was very
complcated, annoying and costly. It contributed to making our stay in
the U.S. a financial loss, as the exchange rate Dollar is so weak and
the salaries in the U.S. comparably lower than in Europe.
We came nevertheless, because we enjoyed the teaching experience and
made great friends!
But with this complication in process (and most likely increase in
expense, as the lawyers will augment their fees), european teachers
will even be further discouraged to enter the U.S.. For us, this is
the fatal shot.
Ok, one could say: No great loss, we've still got all the Argentines
(for whom the dollar/peso exchange rate is fine), but they also will
think twice about it or try to enter with tourist visa.
And they will HAVE to, as I cannot imagine, that every Tango-school or
organizer will be willing to petition for a working permit on behalf
of a foreign teacher. It already took a great effort to find ONE
sponsor for a longer tours who was willing to do all the paperwork.
You will never convince all the private or semi-private organizers to
fill out the forms and take that kind of a responsibility. They will
just stop inviting foreigners.
But actually, this will result in an increase of jobs for the U.S.-
american teachers. So, it's now entirely up to you guys! :-)
Still, we're quite sad about this development .... :-(
Greetings from Buenos Aires,
(0049) (0)681 9381839
(0049) (0)177 4340669
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