4256  Close Embrace Videos


Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 10:51:52 -0500
From: Barbara Garvey <barbara@tangobar-productions.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] Close Embrace Videos
To: tango-L@mit.edu

Some time back I asked list members to recommend good videos for
beginning tango. I was actually referring to salon-style tango, and I
mentioned that we had seen practically all of those published, but not
Christy Cote and George Garcia's. Since then (although we still haven't
seen their Beginning-Intermediate AT Volume I tape) we have seen and
used their videos I and II for Close Embrace, and they are terrific.
Very well-organized, detailed and clear. Al and I recommend them highly.
We have seen many other Close Embrace videos but Christy and George's
are, in our opinion, by far the best for beginners because they are so
easy to use and follow. Additionally we find Daniel Lapadula's, Gavito's
and Tete's tapes very valuable for their individual interpretations, for
those who are already fluent in this style.
Abrazos to all,

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