Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:47:57 -0600
From: Leonard Kunkel <image10@SWBELL.NET>
Subject: Dancing with Beginners
Marty Waxman said:
" it's better if beginners have more experienced dancers as partners. "
I feel it behooves all experienced dancers to invest back into the tango community by dancing with beginners at milongas and practicas. Whether it is a couple of dances or for an extended time we all should remember how we as a beginners felt awkward and out of place. How better to make beginners feel welcome and give them an opportunity to learn and progress faster.
I personally make it a point always to pick out a number of beginners at every opportunity. And it makes me more appreciate the experienced dancers. Plus it helps me analyze my lead to make it crystal clear that even a beginner is able to understand.
I have been afforded the compliment many times when experienced tangeros bring novices to a milonga that they seek me out to dance with their guests. I have evidently gained a reputation for an ability to turn newcomers on to tango by getting them to relax and not overpowering them with complicated movements. They do come away with a taste of what tango can become for them. They usually do not understand what is going on just that they have enjoyed dancing some tango.
I feel this ability comes not from any special skill that I alone possess. All you need is to put your ego aside, to have patience, walk only the first tango, progress slowly, and dance with a lot of beginners.
May Your Tango Prosper,
Leonardo K.
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