Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 13:57:11 EST
From: No Name Available <TANGOMARTY@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Dancing to the singer or the music
In a message dated 2/14/02 3:05:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,
<< Would like to find out if anybody has any ideas as to how to dance to
singing tango music. Do we follow the instruments and not the singer's
voice? >>
You dance to the part of the music that moves you emotionally the most. If
it is the lyric, or the singer, you dance to that. Or the melody. Or the
rhythm. One of the benefits of leading in general, and Tango in particular,
is that YOU interpret the tango, it doesnt have to look like any other couple
on the dance floor, it is an improvised dance. Only, it might be advisable to
be consistent within the song, so that your partner will understand and feel
your interpretation. Incidentally, even with instrumental music, a tango is
like a conversation. Gavito says it is possible to imagine a singer, and
imagine where he would be placing the vocal emphasis, and dance to that. Of
course, that is easier for someone like Gavito who has been listening to
tango music and lyrics for 30 or 40 years. However, its worth keeping this
in the back of your mind, since you will listen to the music more critically,
and perhaps discover nuances that you enjoy interpreting.
Enjoy your tangos.