1261  Defensiveness


Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 05:30:02 -0700
From: Carlos Lima <amilsolrac@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Defensiveness

A number of recent postings seem to hotly take exception to non-existent
wholesale attacks on "Argentines" in general, or "Argentine" teachers in
general. I wonder why. It seems to me like unwarranted defensiveness. I
wonder what might cause this.

A number of people who vented their concern for the violence done to an
innocent party (in counterpoint with rather insensitive remarks by some of
the afore-mentioned pre-emptive defenders of national honor, or whatever it
is) took pains not to point a finger in the direction of one Argentinean
teacher specifically. I did this out of quasi legalistic principle, because I
knew the facts all along with more than enough certainty; and, to be coy
about it, they are no better than they appear. The technicality is that the
issue would have remained private but for special circumstances.

But let me repeat: as a community, we do need to be aware of proven potential
for abuse of a teacher's position, and we certainly have not only a right,
but a responsibility, to be mindful of generally accepted (in Argentina too,
I am sure ...) ethical standards. I am obviously here talking about something
other than purely private issues. Not doing so does have a real detrimental
effect on the health of the community of those guilty of loving the dance
more than any "Argentine" morbid susceptibilities. History has shown that
entire dance cultures can be destroyed by lounge lizards and other unsavory
characters. So, contrary to what a few have said recently, this is very much
a tango topic.

Some have also expressed jubilation re the humourous saving graces. I am a
little jaded about that, because people I care about have been hurt badly.
But I do not want to be a bad sport, so I will join the jubilation with some

OK, things are looking up. After weeks of stultifying boredom, we now have
been told by a Portenno that another Portenno's Spanish is the result of
passing a third Portenno's English through BabelFish. Well the third Portenno
is my own embellishment. I am entitled to one myself, right? So the Tango-L
is right back on track.

If I were keen on finding a compensation for all the bad, it would be a more
serious one. Say, a good part of what is written on tango, I venture to say
most of what is written, here too, is myth. Tango and myth are inseparable.
Well, have been for 120 years, so it is not going to change tomorrow. Some
myths are entertaining, most are just plain silly, and a few can be
dangerous. The recent excitement offers some tempering reality checks on
nai:vely self-congratulatory myths concerning the Portenno [Tango] Man,
extensively spun in this list by a listero who now appears to believe that I
constitute an eminent threat to the national self-esteem of those of the Land
of Silver.

Come to think of it, this is funny too.

Some cheers,

Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 18:10:29 -0500
From: Clayton Beach <akumushi@ONEBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Defensiveness (in defense of Argentines)

I see nothing wrong about 'defensiveness' at generalizations against a certain nationality. As far as speaking from experience, I know of teachers from other countries than Agrentina, traveling and non-traveling, who have caused drama on par or worse than El Pibe's actions. Thus, we who get so easily 'defensive' and prickly when we smell bigotry, might want to have it be heard that:
1. This behavior is not limited to men.
2. This behavior is not limited to Argentines.
3. This behavior is not limited to 'traveling' tango instructors.
4. This behavior is not limited to 'tango' instructors.
5. This behavior is not limited to 'dance' instructors.
6. This behavior is not even limited to instructors of any kind, nor even people in positions of power and respect amongst a small, insular group like most tango communities.
Therefore, it is a grotesque oversimplication to blame Argentina, its citizens, or the argentine tango for that matter, for producing all of the lying, cheating, stealing, and generally incorrigible behavior that will continually pop up wherever one may find human beings.
Clayton Beach

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