2760  Denver TangoFest


Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 20:19:07 -0500
From: Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Denver TangoFest

Many warm thanks to Tom Stermitz and his helpers, all of the Tango
Colorado volunteers, all the teachers, the DJ's, Marilyn and The
Mercury, and the Denver/Boulder Tango communities:

This last Labor Day TangoFest was really incredible. I've been attending
both big events (Memorial and Labor Day), for quite some time, and they
just keep getting better. All of the teachers were top-notch. All of the
DJ'd music was perfect. The evening at Cheeseman Park was magical. The
performances at The Mercury were first-class.

One of the most notable high points to me was the floorcraft Saturday
night in the ballroom. The floor was pretty jam-packed, yet I hardly got
touched, much less really bumped. It was just almost like a night in a
crowded milonga in Buenos Aires.

And last, but not least, also many thanks to all the fantastic followers
with whom I experienced a tanda or two. I truly enjoyed every dance.

Warmly, and see you next year,

Michael from Houston

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