Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 10:18:06 +1200
From: Gordon Cessford <gcessford@DOC.GOVT.NZ>
Subject: Describing and distinguishing salon, milonga, vals, canyengue
Hi everyone
I'm interested on people's ideas about ways to describe the differences
between salon, milonga, vals, canyengue. I know there is probably heaps of
opinion about the precise and exact meanings of these terms, and I guess I'm
not too worried about getting too focused on that, but they do represent
some pretty fundamental differences in music, dance and culture within the
wider "tango family" (as I like to refer to it).
I've been dancing for years now and know these different styles. When I hear
a track, I instantly recognise the style have my head into the right place
for each style (though there are some tricky ones that occassionally might
fool me for a few seconds). But I do find it hard to explain it to others.
And I never ceased to be amazed that the distinction isn't really obvious to
many folks who've been dancing for a while, even if they are generally quite
good dancers and really passionate. So, if anyone has some good ways of
explaining and demonstrating the differences (other than just dancing them),
I'd be sure keen to hear about it. I figure that the more people who
understand the differences, the more good partners will be out there for us
If anyone doesn't like milonga and/or canyengue, which I have heard from
some people, I'd be interested in reasons why. I know that new dancers can
find tbhem pretty daunting. But to actually not like them? I just can't
imagine why as they are just such great pleasure - I love it! But everyone
has their own preferences eh!
So, any interesting ideas would be most welcome.
Gordon, New Zealand.
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