4209  Dictators like to re-write history...not tell


Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 08:13:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Derik Rawson <rawsonweb@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Dictators like to re-write history...not tell
the truth..Sorta varied...2
To: Tango-L <tango-l@mit.edu>

Dear Michael:

Fortunately, you are well known on this list already
for not telling the truth.

I found the little French cafe, Cafe Matisse, for you
myself. It came from my French friend Sara Oussar, who
I dance tango with, who you did not know until I
introduced her to you. Before Cafe Matisse, you were
sitting all alone by yourself drinking a beer over at
the Aztec Cafe and few people came there to dance
tango. I am glad that Susana Miller liked Cafe

You are no longer President of Tango Houston, because
the general membership asked you to resign, which you
finally did after trying to avoid it.

The Andres Amarilla Workshop was a Tango Houston
sanctioned event approved by a board resolution passed
unanimously by the current board of directors, so
saying that Tango Houston has not done anything this
year is wrong.

Glover Tango will work for any organization who pays
Glover money. There are at least two other groups of
competing musicians in Houston, who also play
Argentine tango. Some of these groups have first
violinists from the Houston Symphony playing with
them. Glover does regard them as serious competition,
since all his musicians live in Austin, He has to
travel them at great expense to Houston to play here.

Finally, my dancing is not the issue here. The issue
here is the experience of the Argentine tango

PS- People do not like dictatorship, propaganda and
lies. Fortunately Tango Houston is a fully Democratic
organization, by its official charter. The members
exercised their democratic rights this last year.


--- Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Derik wrote<<<<< PS - I have addressed the problem
> in my local
> community, Houston and finally tango in this city
> has changed
> dramatically just in the last year, Thank God.
> Houston is no longer
> dominated by the "close embrace
> all the time" people, as it was in the past. We now
> have a variety of
> dancing styles, and teachers coming into town, which
> is the way it
> should be. "Close embrace all the time people" are
> always welcome at all
> of the milongas, but they just part of the crowd and
> they are no longer
> in charge. They are not happy about it, and they
> are still trying to
> get back in control, but that is the way things are
> here for now. We
> are finally liberated at least for the
> moment...lol.>>>>>>
> Keep laughing out loud Derik. We just shake our
> heads and pity you. So
> YOU'VE addressed the PROBLEM, huh? Close embrace
> never dominated here,
> we had a great little weekly milonga at a small
> coffee shop till it
> closed down (Susana M loved it), and 3 times a year
> we brought
> Glovertango to Continental for great milongas. We
> demonstrated tango all
> over the place (open and closed), and I mailed out a
> weekly eletter. I
> resigned from TangoHouston when I saw they were
> going to re-elect a
> slimeball that we'd already had to kick off the
> board once, and has been
> kicked off again since. I've seen three emails from
> TangoHouston in over
> a year. I've seen no TangoHouston sponsored events.
> Glovertango wants
> nothing to do with you. You brought Andres and
> Meredith in,
> granted....what else? I certainly don't want to be
> in control, believe
> me.
> You are liberated Derik! You are free to look at the
> floor and talk
> while muscling your follower around. The tango scene
> here sucks, and its
> such a shame, because Houston is a great city and
> deserves MUCH better.
> What self-respecting tanguero wants to associate
> with you and your kind
> that clog up milongas trying to teach tango to
> somebody you just jerked
> off the street or from the bar? Who wants to dance
> at a milonga where
> they play all 1960's Pugliese and Piazzola? While
> listening to your
> mouth rattle (or W's, or R's) while you're wrestling
> some poor woman
> around against the line of dance. Where a "tanda"
> can be one vals
> followed by two milongas? Where we look at the
> "ronda" and realize that
> the dancing has nothing to do with the music? That
> just kills me!!! It
> doesn't matter what music is playing, the dancing is
> the same. The only
> requirement is that there be music playing, but the
> dancing doesn't have
> to go with it, it doesn't even need to be on the
> beat! Where a local
> "real" Argentine TEACHER stomps on my foot (just
> last month!) on a floor
> as big as big as a football field with 30 dancers on
> it? Oh yeah,
> another requirement is as many tall, young, leggy
> women with big boobs
> to push around the floor. You are not near the only
> one, Derik, just the
> only one stupid enough to shoot your mouth off
> publicly insulting me,
> high quality teachers, milongueros in general, and
> many of my friends on
> this list. Some of them I've never met, yet I still
> know them, as they
> do me. Many of them I've met many times, danced with
> many times. We all
> know who is generally respected in the US tango
> community.
> You just don't get it, Derik. Argentine Tango is not
> just about fun, or
> socializing, it's much, much more to me and Tine,
> Trini, Sean, Lois,
> Ron, Michael K, Michael D, Dani, etc, etc (oops,
> I've appointed myself
> spokesman again). It's about a respect and a
> reverence for the art that
> you'll never know. We may not speak Argentine
> Spanish, or have danced
> since we were six, or grown up with the music, but
> we feel it and
> respect it more in our little right tango toe than
> you ever will in your
> body, mind, soul, and heart put together. And we
> yearn for more; more
> knowledge, more skill, more quality, more dancers
> that feel like we do,
> with the passion that we have. Your conception of
> tango is so shallow it
> doesn't penetrate your skin, much less your heart.
> It's all just for fun
> for you, like a puppy who finds a bone and has a
> great time salivating
> on it and dragging it around in the dirt.
> Ironically, though, it's more
> fun for us than you'll ever experience.
> Some have said we should just ignore you, and maybe
> they're right, but I
> can only take so much. I've pretty much ignored you
> since you started
> posting to this list, except for once in January
> when I got tired of
> listening to you insulting Susana, and close embrace
> in general. So this
> is for those of you who didn't see my posting in
> January, and to show my
> support for those on this list whom I respect. I
> don't want anybody to
> assume perhaps that maybe, just maybe, Derik speaks
> with any authority
> whatsoever, or that anything he says should be taken
> seriously.
> Tine wrote<<<< I am truly amazed that 1200 people on
> this list let this
> idiot Derik call them ignorant, incompetent, dull,
> predictable,
> inexperienced, same old, boring, BS. This is just
> the words from this
> [one] email. You let him do this not just once, but
> over and over again.
> For years! Incredible. Mind-boggling!... Don't any
> of you have any b*lls
> on you? (well a few of you do) What's the matter
> with you?>>>>>>>And
> she's right, except that it's only been about a year
> and a half since
> Derik started posting.
> The bottom line is that Derik doesn't know ANY
> Argentine Tango. He
> doesn't dance close-embrace, or salon, or open, or
> nuevo. He wouldn't
> know Argentine Tango if it bit him on the ass. He
> does SOMETHING out
> there on the floor, but it's not Argentine Tango.
> For lack of a better
> word, I coined the term "Derik tango", and it bears
> about as much
> resemblance to Argentine Tango as that stuff on
> "Dancing with the
> Stars". I've seen Derik knock women down and fall on
> top of them. A
> great Japanese friend of mine (with that fantastic,
> enviable Japanese
> dignity) will not even attend a milonga here anymore
> because he can't
> stand Derik's lack of decorum, respect, and couth.
> He's afraid he might
> lose control and punch his lights out (his eyes
> still flash and his
> fists clench when he hears the name Derik)(yeah,
> Derik, you don't know
> how close you came).
> Derik, keep on posting if you like, continue your
> name-dropping and your
> pathetic search for attention. Keep spewing forth
> your nonsense with
> your condescending and patronizing attitude but I'd
> recommend you cut
> and run while you're still behind. LOL.
> My warm regards and respect to all the other
> listeros,
> Michael Figart II
> Houston TX

Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 12:14:31 -0500
From: Barbara Garvey <barbara@tangobar-productions.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Dictators like to re-write history...not tell
the truth..Sorta varied...2
To: d.rawson@rawsonweb.com
Cc: Tango-L <tango-l@mit.edu>

Wow is this fun or what?? Can't wait to take a trip to Houston and check
out the action. This is a struggle between our sense of humor and the
Delete key . . . I for one can't wait for the next episode.

Derik Rawson wrote:

>Dear Michael:
>Fortunately, you are well known on this list already
>for not telling the truth.

etc, etc, and so forth

Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 12:15:17 -0500
From: Barbara Garvey <barbara@tangobar-productions.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Dictators like to re-write history...not tell
the truth..Sorta varied...2
To: d.rawson@rawsonweb.com
Cc: Tango-L <tango-l@mit.edu>

Wow is this fun or what?? Makes me want to take a trip to Houston and
check out the action. This is a struggle between our sense of humor and
the Delete key . . . I for one can't wait for the next episode.

Derik Rawson wrote:

>Dear Michael:
>Fortunately, you are well known on this list already
>for not telling the truth.

etc, etc, and so forth

Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 11:38:43 -0600
From: "David Hodgson" <DHodgson@Tango777.com>
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Dictators like to re-write history...not tell
the truth..Sorta varied...2

You know Barbara "The money is where the step is" rather than listen to
words on a page and I for one would not mind popping down there to witness
this for my self. Care to join me for a little wine and popcorn plus dance
with a bunch of people.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 11:15 AM
To: d.rawson@rawsonweb.com
Cc: Tango-L
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Dictators like to re-write history...not tell the
truth..Sorta varied...2

Wow is this fun or what?? Makes me want to take a trip to Houston and
check out the action. This is a struggle between our sense of humor and
the Delete key . . . I for one can't wait for the next episode.

Derik Rawson wrote:

>Dear Michael:
>Fortunately, you are well known on this list already
>for not telling the truth.

etc, etc, and so forth

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