Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 08:00:41 EST
From: Joanne Prochaska <JOANNEPROCHASKA@AOL.COM>
Subject: AND THE ANSWER IS. . .

Ladies, do you remember the first time you danced an ENTIRE tango song all
the way through, not just practicing in class, but the real thing? Well, I
do. It was August 3, 2000. With 6 months of ballroom lessons through the
local Adult Education Program under my belt, I entered the world of TANGO.
At Belinda's Nightclub. Beginners at 7:30, Practica, whatever that was, at
9:00. Cost $5.00. Taught by Timmy Tango. After the class was done, as soon
as the practica started, Tim asked me to dance. The teacher wants to dance
with me? ? ? Oh no, but I don't even know anything yet. . . . no way can I
dance with him. . .,I need more practice. . .Is this some kind of a test. . .
cut me a break, please!?!?!?!?! I couldn't (wouldn't) beg off, I'd look like
a wimpy quitter. . .here goes nothing!
He encircled my chest with a soft, deliberate sweep of his right arm. He
gently took my right hand in his left.
The EMBRACE, that CLOSE EMBRACE!! This wasn't like anything I experienced
in my ballroom classes !! I LIKED IT ! !
The first step forward with my left. . . the side step with my right, then an
endless pause as he seemingly waited until our bodies were truly in sync and
just enjoying the moment. . . it grabbed my attention to focus on the "now"
and I gave an involuntary SIGH of pure enjoyment. . . I was hooked and rest
is history.
Yes Tim, I will marry you so I can spend the rest of my days being in in sync
with you and we can tango forever.

Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:07:22 +0100
From: Capella Solo <MissyLaMotte@GMX.DE>
Subject: Re: AND THE ANSWER IS. . .

Hello Joanne,

this is the most romantic thing I read in a long time. Congratulations, I
wish you and Tim all the best and hope you can always keep up that close and
warm feeling of the first embrace :-)

from Germany

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