3073  Best Tango in Miami


Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 10:29:03 -0500
From: Stephen Byers <StarWise@RPA.NET>
Subject: Best Tango in Miami

If you ever come to Miami, there is one nice place where the best tango dancers meet every Saturday night. The milongas at "Best of Dance" are, =
in my opinion, the best I have found in all of South Florida. This is a tribute to Randy, the owner-teacher of this dance studio, who knows how =
to organize great parties that are fun, inviting and exciting. Directions to this tango mecca are at the "BestofDance.com" website.

Since I am a professional dance teacher and ex-studio owner myself, I was delighted to find this wonderful place with such friendly and =
excellent dancers. NYC and Portland are the only places in America where I have found more and better tango dancers than here in Miami. I =
wish I could stay here in Miami longer, even though I am on my way to Buenos Aires to study tango for a year or so.

In addition to Best of Dance, there is a nice new milonga on Wednesdays called "LasCopasTango.com" out on Miami Beach. Since "LCT" is brand =
new, it does not yet have the years of tradition and core of dedicated supporters that BoD has. Still with all the energy and talent here, =
Miami's dance community will continue to grow. Salsa, for example, is world-class here, easily equal to NYC or LA.

Happy New Year.

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