427  Bs As Tango Competition


Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:26:22 -0500
From: Daniel Saindon <gardien@TANGO.MONTREAL.QC.CA>
Subject: Bs As Tango Competition

Thank you Janis for your report of
the IV Tango Festival of Bs As.

I found there was a lot of material
to ponder especially toward the
competition of tango salon.

I for one, did not think it was possible
to have an Argentine Tango competition
because of the nature of salon dancing
which is a personal internalized experience
rather than a demonstration to be measured
by the couple`s performance around yardsticks.

I find the list of critirias used by the
panel of judges most interesting. We have:

· abrazo continuo ( continuous embrace )

· circulacion por la pista ( circulating around the floor )

· baile al piso ( dancing on the floor )

One cannot argue with these.

I have asked myself what was the distinction
between two other criterias used by the panel
which are el compas & la cadencia:

Janis translates Compas as beat, while cadencia
is translated by cadence and rhythm which is,
from my point of view, very similar to being
on the beat.

I would rather suggest the notion of compas being closer
to the notion of precision than the notion of being
on the beat. Precision like neatness with steps and
walking with assurance which is also close to the
notion of cobblestone as explained by Miranda France
in her book "Bad times in Bs As".
But "cobblestone" itself bring considerations
of style which is also listed among the critirias
measured by the judges.

Elegance seems to me as an important compoonent of
Argentine tango but I do not see it among the criterias.

I am interested by other members view on the
Difference between "compas" and "cadencia"

Daniel Saindon

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