Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 03:36:45 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: definitions of milonga, milonguero, milonguera
2 June 2003, Sergio wrote:
According to the Lunfardo dictionary by Jose Gobello:
Milonga means: Payada, Place where the payada is held, Dance executed to the guitar music at the payada, Place where one can dance, Party where =
one can dance, great confusion, by extension tango.
Milonguero means: payador, person that goes frequently to dance .
Milonguera: woman hired to dance in dancing halls, by regression changed to milonga and also Milonguita: woman of bad life.
Jose Gobello is a highly respected historian and author, but I disagree with
his definitions. He probably has never had a conversation with a milonguero
or milonguera who could explain the meanings to him. One has to understand
what it means to be a milonguero and then knows what a milonga is.
Pichi de Buenos Aires
Married to the Milonga: Interviews with the Milongueros of Buenos Aires
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