2222  followers and navigation


Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 09:31:49 -0800
From: sarah La Rocca <danzisima@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: followers and navigation

Hi List,

This ongoing discussion of floorcraft and collisions lead me to review the worst dance floor accidents I have experienced. It is unfair to put all the blame for accidents on the leaders. I have been walloped by women moving way too big for the social dance floor. Maybe the the guy lead it but, the follower doesn't have to do it. Followers too have to be aware of the floor, the traffic and the space and move in an appropriate way. And that means sometimes dancing smaller than what was actually lead. Just because you are a follower doesn't mean your are a brainless, clueless zombie without responsibility for your actions.

The dance floor in NYC, where I am, sometimes are noted for being really wild. I dont think it is too bad here. Most people dance very calm, normal, and respectfull. It is really just a few notorious people who create chaos and terrorize everyone.

We need to pay more attention to the collected vibe of the floor. An attitude that we are all in this together, all dancing together, all enjoying the same moment together. Through that collective positive energy, magic can be made.


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Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 13:33:00 -0500
From: Ronda Patino <rondap@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: followers and navigation

I agree 100% with what Sarah is saying (quoted below). When we were in
Amsterdam for TangoMagia in 2001 and 2002, there were 1000 people, 600
dancing at a time. I kept my heels so close to the floor on every step and
all boleos were low, heels parallel to the floor, etc. I know many a lead
who has been aghast when the woman has been virtually "dancing by herself"
with various embellishments that weren't even related to the led movement,
or when a little change of direction was led and wow, there goes a high
boleo out of no where. Leaders do need to navigate, but followers have
control over their own bodies too.

The tango is interactive, the "follower" follows the leader, but then the
leader "follows" the follower. Thanks, Sarah!

From Sarah: "Followers too have to be aware of the floor, the traffic and
the space and move in an appropriate way. And that means sometimes dancing
smaller than what was actually lead. Just because you are a follower doesn't
mean your are a brainless, clueless zombie without responsibility for your

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