3480  Introduction of Tango in Paris


Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 09:19:34 -0600
From: Bruno <romerob@TELUSPLANET.NET>
Subject: Introduction of Tango in Paris

David Koucky wrote:

>Is it safe to assume that the wealthy Argentines who introduced Tango to

Paris would have had training in the proper dances of their time? This
could be one reason for the departure of the various Tangos of that time.<

It looks like tango had taken place well before Argentine instructors or
dancers arrived in Paris.

According to Andres M. Carretero by 1902 in Paris there were about 100
academies of dance with tango instructors who were themselves the featured

The wealthy Argentines in Paris were surprised that tango was accepted by a
group of people from the upscale classes in Paris. This group of people
developed hedonistic tendencies which went from mixing with underworld
characters (ruffians, macros, apaches) to the consumption of drugs. The lax
in social mores during the "belle de époque" (1890 - 1914) seems to have
favored the acceptance of tango in Paris.

Among the first Argentine tango instructors in Paris before 1912, Andres M.
Carretero, mentions Alfredo Gobbi Sr. and Angel Villoldo both recognized as

Best regards,


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