3161  Kudos to Ann Arbor


Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:12:46 -0800
From: Trini or Sean - PATangoS <patangos@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Kudos to Ann Arbor

Our Thanks to the Michigan Tango Club in Ann Arbor for
such a fun weekend of dancing! Alex, Brigitta, and
Jaimes provided excellent and insightful instruction.
Organization was smooth with some nice surprises,
including an impromptu quintet with Alex on his
bandoneon. These festivals just keep getting better
and better!

New to us was Jaimes' style of Open-Embrace, which we
really enjoyed. I highly recommend folks to try it

Thanks also to all of the out-of-towners from New
York, Washington, Portland, Illinois, Missouri, and
elsewhere. Close-embrace is still relatively new in
the Michigan/Ohio/Pennsylvania area, so watching so
many experienced dancers was inspirational. Over the
last couple of years, these outside influences have
had a very positive effect on local tangueros.

Looking forward to their May Madness and the 4th
Anniversary in September!

Happy tango gypsing to all!
Trini de Pittsburgh

PATangoS - Pittsburgh Argentine Tango Society
Our Mission: To make Argentine Tango Pittsburgh's most popular social dance.

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