722  labor day in denver (sigh)!


Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 09:58:17 -0700
From: robin thomas <niborsamoht@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: labor day in denver (sigh)!

it was sooooo wonderful to be at the milonguero
weekend in denver. i'm just so sad we don't all live
in the same city and that every weekend isn't like
that. why does this country have to be so goddamn big!
it was so nice to not be the freak who only likes to
dance close and to be in an environment where people
are aware of the concept of floorcraft. thanks tom,
it's getting better every year.


robin thomas, new york

Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 13:09:57 -0500
From: Stephen Brown <Stephen.P.Brown@DAL.FRB.ORG>
Subject: Re: labor day in denver (sigh)!

Robin said it well. The 3rd Annual Labor Day Milonguero Weekend that Tom
Stermitz organized in Denver was a fabulous event. I love dancing on
crowded dance floors. Dancing at the Mercury on Friday night was crowded
and fun, if a little wild. Listening and dancing to live music played by
Denver's Extasis on Saturday night was great. The barbeque/milonga that
Tango Colorado organized on Sunday evening in conjunction with the
miloguero weekend was a wonderful experience--one of my favorite milongas
ever. There also were an informal practica/milonga on Friday afternoon,
classes on Saturday afternoon, guided practicas on Sunday afternoon, and
dancing until 6 a.m. on both Saturday evening/Sunday morning and Sunday
evening/Monday morning.

When seated, I found it amazing to watch the rich texture of tango
dancing--with so many individual styles within the context of a
close-embrace social dancing. The event was milonguero in sensibility.
Thanks Tom!

With best regards from Texas.
Steve (de Tejas)

Stephen Brown
Tango Argentino de Tejas

Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 14:53:15 -0400
From: Jack Karako <JKarako@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: labor day in denver (sigh)!

Dear Robin
You are not doing justice to the New York scene. If I didn't live here I would have thought nobody danced close.

Jak Karako

> it was sooooo wonderful to be at the milonguero
> weekend in denver. i'm just so sad we don't all live
> in the same city and that every weekend isn't like
> that. why does this country have to be so goddamn big!
> it was so nice to not be the freak who only likes to
> dance close and to be in an environment where people
> are aware of the concept of floorcraft. thanks tom,
> it's getting better every year.
> abrazos
> robin thomas, new york
> -----------

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