3077  Milongas closed in Buenos Aires--update for Tuesday


Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 15:41:10 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: Milongas closed in Buenos Aires--update for Tuesday

John Tice posted information about a milonga for January 4 at Combatientes
de Malvinas 3567 starting at 10pm in the barrio Villa Urquiza. I spoke with
Evi Stein who told me that she and Ricardo Viqueria will have a class and
practica from 8pm to 12am. They are not allowed to hold a milonga. You can
call Evi at 4862-4133 and speak with her in English if you need information.

There are many classes/practicas. Check the Guia Trimestral B.A. Tango for
a complete listing. The January-February-March 2005 directory will be
available soon. There is a tango information desk located in the Centro
Cultural San Martin near the corner of Parana and Sarmiento or you can go to

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