73  Off-color translation


Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:12:49 EDT
From: Charles Roques <Crrtango@AOL.COM>
Subject: Off-color translation

Fabian Martin wrote:

>>>Actually, Borges didn't like tango, he liked milonga. And he stated so in

several occasions, and he even blamed Gardel for, well, taking tango to its

most feminine side (perhaps some other spanish speaking member can help me

with this idea, Borges said that Gardel "amariconó el tango").<<<

Re: "Gardel amaricono el tango"

At the risk of offending those with alternative sexual life-styles, this
probably translates in American slang as "Gardel "faggotized" the tango" or
...made it more queer.


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