2686  progress report style vs technique


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:17:37 -0400
From: jackie ling wong <jackie.wong@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: progress report style vs technique

in july i started taking classes in milonguero style with Ana Maria Schapira in buenos aires and i think she's fabulous...so please add her =
to the list.

and i also agree... it is strange to go to argentina and attend classes where some instructors are teaching figures that i would never lead on a =
dance floor. so i focus on taking classes with instructors like Ana Maria because i want to be able to teach my students the style of tango =
that is danced in most milongas. (others must feel the same way because her classes at porteno y bailerin are packed and the leaders are =

oh the other side, two of my favorite instructors are pulpo and luiza because they open the mind to the possibilities of tango. they stretch =
my creativity and yet it doesn't (for me) have a performance quality...

and i have taken classes with stage performers (junior cervila) who are wonderful teachers because they understand balance, technique, =
musicality. ..etc and can feel what is going on in your body.

do i feel the three are compatible?...yes.. even when they contradict one another....because i filter what works for me and file away what =
doesn't, just in case the information may help a student that dances in that manner (for example, alicia pons dances our of the hip while =
another wants you to settle more in your hip).

maybe we should think about the question - when is it a "style" difference and not "bad" technique?

my two cents



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