579  Radio Internet


Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 22:24:47 EDT
From: Daniel Smolen <DocDAS@AOL.COM>
Subject: Radio Internet

Does anyone have some additional Tango internet radio stations they
listen to other than: Radiocubik.com or Batanga.com?

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 13:02:02 -0400
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Re: Radio Internet

Daniel Smolen <DocDAS@AOL.COM> wrote:

> Does anyone have some additional Tango internet radio stations they
>listen to other than: Radiocubik.com or Batanga.com?

Here is one from Uruguay. Unfortunately, the reception is not always the greatest, possibly due to limited bandwidth from the radio station.


Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 13:32:49 -0500
From: Bibib Wong <bibibwong@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Radio Internet

I forgot which List member asked about it....

> > Does anyone have some additional Tango internet radio stations they
>listen to other than: Radiocubik.com or Batanga.com?

Also try try https://www.live365.com and use search words. Also try Real
and search from there.

There were links in some tango webpages from Argentina, but the broadcast
were not pure music as in the two servers mentioned-- some had talk shows,
some had advertisements. I believe some (in Montreal??) has specific time
of broadcast. Well, at least that was what I observed before the economic

Bibi (Chicago)

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