2993  Summer returns to BsAs


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 21:20:29 -0500
From: Lois Donnay <donnay@DONNAY.NET>
Subject: Summer returns to BsAs

We have been having a great time here in BsAs - this city seems so comfortable
to me now, it is like home to me. I enjoy going to lessons and milongas, but I
still think I learn the most about tango just from casual encounters with every
Argentine I meet. They are always very generous with their time and love to talk
about their city and culture. This is where I learn that tango, as life, is fun
and meant to be enjoyed to the fullest.

Lois Donnay
Currently in Buenos Aires, but normally from Minneapoliswww.mndance.com

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