1682  Tango video instruction


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 14:21:04 -0400
From: Sergio <cachafaz@ADELPHIA.NET>
Subject: Tango video instruction

There is no way a person can learn Argentine Tango from videos. Nobody has
the pretension to teach using videos.

What are videos for then? It is assumed that you know how to stand, how
to walk, how to move. They are a complement to your lessons.

There are many ways to dance, as many as dancers. It is good to have video
documentation of the way somebody dances.

Instructors teach you all or some of their moves, figures and steps in their

Osvaldo Zotto and Mora Godoy had a program on "Solo Tango TV." in Buenos
Aires. A half hour show where they taught one tango figure each day.

A different tango figure was shown and taught. There were more than thirty
of them. The program always ended with a tango danced by the instructors
using the figures taught up to that moment with a different ending (cuarta).

The lesson consisted in showing the figure, teaching some exercises to
achieve the necessary skills to execute it, and repetitions from the man,
the woman's point of view and finally the students. These is in accord with
the Argentinean pedagogical system.
(Showing, repeating and utilizing exercises to achieve the necessary skills
to perform certain figures or moves).

I recorded them in sequence from national television. It was much later that
these programs were arranged in five video volumes for commercialization.

I found them very useful and valuable. Some of the figures are not to be
executed in social dancing, they are to learn general skills in Salon Style,
stage, and for exhibitions. (Paso enlazado, bicicleta, little fly of the
woman, etc.) Many steps can be used in social Salon Style dancing.

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:52:49 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Video instruction

Dear listeros
I have just bought my first video of tango at a bookstore .It is about milonga , by Ricardo and Nicole.
After being taking lessons for 4 years , I think it would be good to have a look to a video, to see wether they are useful or not.

I think this video is good , as a refreshment for a student that is taking regularly lessons with a teacher .There are things that a video could not replace , such as the eye of the instructor, to correct posture , embrace, leading,following.

But there are some things that I consider good in this video
. They use Milonga vieja milonga from D Arienzo, as the background music. This milonga is particularly good for the timing it has .
. Some takes of the video are made from the roof showing the dancer movement on the floor. So when they show " baldosa" , you can see that the male dancer is doing a square , literally .
. The film is made at Sunderland Club ,a place that could be considered one of the "classics" places for milongas.

So I think that in the end, it is good to watch videos from time to time , just as another help for learning . The personal experience however , has something that no video could give , considering the learning of tango as social dancing .

It is necessary to socialize , to meet other people, and to dance at a crowded floor.

One thing is to have a basketball court for you two as Sunderland is in this lesson. Another thing is to move on the line of dance at a crowded milonga , the personal experience helps to "sail" throughout the crowd and to return to your table you and your partner, alive :):):)

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

Usuario: yahoo; contraseqa: yahoo
Desde Buenos Aires: 4004-1010
Mas ciudades: clic aqum.

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:34:02 -0400
From: the pulpo pereyra <hpereyra@NYC.RR.COM>
Subject: Re: Video instruction

Instruction videos can be a very useful tool, not only for tango, but
in any area.
The most frequent problem is the way they are conceived, as a live
class. A video is a totally different media, and in consequence it
needs to have its own structure.
The way I see it, it can not replace the presence of the instructor but
it is very useful for advanced levels.
When you start learning something, you need more interaction with your
instructor, as you gain confidence and now what you are doing, you can
make more choices on your own because you have developed already a
This is why I strongly believe videos are a tool for advanced students.
Speaking specifically about tango, I believe the last set of videos we
made with Carolina Zocalski and Diego Di Falco (the series called one
step further) are a good example of this.

the pulpo

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:20:04 -0700
From: Rick FromPortland <pruneshrub04@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Video instruction

The Daniel Trenner/Rebecca Shulman videos, I've found quite helpful as an adjunct to dancing, lots & lots. I remember bringing, say one idea or so, each time I went dancing & worked on it specifically. I guess the same could be said if one was watching instructional videos on knitting or lovemaking or something. Need to spend time actually doing the activity ;-) Dancing with people more skilled than me helped to, esp kind considerate, good-natured follows.

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