2002  two simple requests


Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 12:48:43 -0800
From: luda_r1 <luda_r1@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: two simple requests

Hola todos,

I would like to make a couple of requests which I've
been meaning to do for some time but just never got
around to:

1. Could the people on the list who are instructors
form another list where they could discuss the
fascinating details of their teaching
techniques/styles/expertise ad infinitum without
boggling the minds of us simple peasants who just like
to dance, and who don't believe that tango can be
taught, or learned, by talking about it anyway. "Shop
talk" should be relegated to "shop talk lists". Those
on the list who would like to partake in these
discussions can subscribe to it separately, like the
bandoneon group.

2. Please don't reproduce the ENTIRE message when
replying to just one or two points in it, thus
clogging up the list with unrelated material,
especially if it's ten pages long. Please take the
time to edit the message you're replying to, just as
you take the time to comment upon it. I recognize that
many on the list are not very computer literate, but
this is such a basic skill that even a technologically
challenged individual like myself could get the hang
of it pretty quick. It's just a matter of common



Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 11:38:05 -0800
From: Ilona Koren-Deutsch <ilonakd@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: two simple requests

--- luda_rl wrote:

> Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 12:48:43 -0800
> From: luda_r1 <luda_r1@YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: two simple requests

> Could the people on the list who are instructors
> form another list where they could discuss the
> fascinating details of their teaching
> techniques/styles/expertise ad infinitum . . .

Or you could learn how to choose "delete" and not read
what you don't want to. I'm certainly not a tango
teacher, but (usually) like reading what the teachers
write. Why should I have to subscribe to another list
just to make you happy?


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