3300  Whats it all about


Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 20:44:30 +1300
From: Melroy <melroyr@XTRA.CO.NZ>
Subject: Whats it all about

Steve wrote:

> Fortunately, when we are dancing Argentine tango, the make believe and
> petty troubles and controversies on a forum like Tango-L are mostly far
> away. We are together with our partner dancing to the music in a space
> that we share with others who are mostly pursuing the same activity.

Exactly this is what its about
I hope you enjoy your trip Tine, I'm sure you will.

I hope Aron isn't so offended he stops posting,
I could say the same for Steve and others, but it feels like taking sides or
something and I haven't the time.

I'd rather be dancing.

Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 16:20:02 -0600
From: Leonardo Kunkayo <leonardok@MAC.COM>
Subject: Re: Whats it all about

What dancing tango has taught me about relationships.

It takes good clear communication to have yourself understood and to
understand your partner. When there is this mutual give and take the
dance of life is good and satisfying. If the leader is secure in the
embrace yet considerate and gentle in the lead the follower is most
often content and happy to be a part of the dance.

May Your Tango Prosper,
Leonardo K.

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