1923  Environment of dancing floors


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 18:00:10 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Environment of dancing floors

It is difficult to define a perfect environment for a dancing tango . There is always room for improvement . I would like to say what I have found in Buenos Aires milongas

1) Quantity of tables versus area of dancing floor. There is not a single rule for this, although the tendency is to pile as many people as possible, even more if there are that night, live shows. So the people that came to dance with live music, sometimes will have to sit and listen to the musicians, rather than dance in a crowded and reduced dancing area (reduced by extra tables and chairs inside the dancing floor)

2) Dancing floor made from different material from the floor where the tables and chairs are laid. This helps to create a "threshold" feeling , the dancing floor , visually, is different from the area of tables and chairs , so if someone attempts to cross through the dancing floor alone , a feeling of "trespassing" appears.

3) Circulation area or corridors , between the line of tables and chairs that is sticked to the wall, than the one that is close to the dancing area. When a corridor is open into this two rows of tables and chairs, it is possible for the "eyesight wanderers" to pace throughout the tables& chairs area without interrupting the dancers.

4) The atmosphere of the dancing area . This is very special , and it could not be provided by the patron , it is something that builds during the night , when the dancers contribute with their attitude, and also the DJ and the patron , without interrupting constantly the music with announcements , lotteries , and any kind of thing that the "microphone lust" provides, that "talk show fever" that gets into the pattern of music and dance and could hurt a pleasant night.

5) The music quality . Both the sound quality and the inherent quality of the music by itself . Not extremely loudly , not full of mechanic noises due to the old recordings used as master for CD copies. Just a selection of good tango music, without saying anymore. For the dancers at the dancing floor , or for those that are considering to get into it , it is useless to say "and now a tanda of Troilo with Fiorentino, recorded on bla bla bla " . Please , DJ4s , do not make a prologue, the people will react to the music with their bodies and souls, it is not a "Win the query prize " lottery . If you are so excited as DJ , make a brochure with the technical information and leave it at the tables if you want .

6) The patron and his quality as host . It could be a personal approach to the incoming visitors, or a general attituted transmitted to the crew , that is clearly perceived. A care for the dancers , not only with the music , but with wuality and pricing of amenities , behaviour of waiters and table reservation person , etc..etc..

7) Well, the last condition is almost impossible, at least in Buenos Aires: a smoke free area to dance :) But , I have to mention that I would like such an environment.

I am thinking of a milonga in Buenos Aires that could have all this qualities . Maybe Gricel on friday night has the 1 to 5 conditions , with some restrictions concerning circulation area , there is a part of "eye sight wandering" that makes you to cross the part of the dancing floor that is near the entrance.
But this is a minor problem, if we balance it with an overwhelming list of good music, atmosphere of dancers and a wooden floor that is ..... you feel your shoes are gloves touching velvet , even if you are not a good dancer.
By the way , I will make an innocent question and I hope it will not trigger a doomsday : which is milonga in USA /Europe/Asia/Oceania which best match this criteria already explained ??( quantity of tables-quality of dancing floor-circulation area-atmosphere-music quality-patron-smoke free environment) ????
To put it in another way , if each condition weighs 10 points, therefore the ideal dancing floor is rated 70 points , what will be your assignation of total points to your choosen place ??
I think Gricel on friday night is around 55 points . 10 points out due to lack of smoke free condition , and 5 extra points due to corridor circulation problem:):)

Warm regards
Alberto Gesualdi
Buenos Aires

Usuario: yahoo; contraseqa: yahoo
Desde Buenos Aires: 4004-1010
Mas ciudades: clic aqum.

Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 11:55:13 +0900
From: astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP>
Subject: Re: Environment of dancing floors

> By the way , I will make an innocent question and I hope it will not

trigger a doomsday : which is milonga in USA /Europe/Asia/Oceania which
best match this criteria already explained ??( quantity of tables-quality of
dancing floor-circulation area-atmosphere-music quality-patron-smoke free
environment) ????

Dear Alberto,
I cannot tell you about the points, but if people like to dance in a "dance
like" environment, Berlin's milongas are often held in old dance halls, that
have been there since before the 2nd world war, or maybe even since before
the 1st. Anything that has a name with "Ballhaus"in it, is one of those,
like "Ballhaus Rixdorf", or "Claerchen's Ballhaus". "Walzerlinksgestrickt"
is also really nice, about half the size of Rixdorf, which is pretty huge.
Now, if you want the real nostalgic feel, with Chandeliers, antique red
velvet sofas, and an ancient parquet floor, go for one of the Salons,
"Gruener Salon" or "Roter Salon" (green and red salon"), Dance salons, that
were sort of rediscovered by the West Berliners after the reunification. The
interior, the little black dresses, plus the scratchy tango music, that is
probably just as old as the salon, makes you feel as if you had entered a
time machine.
In all of these there is room to dance and room to walk, though
Walzerlinksgestrickt makes you walk in front of the little bistro tables,
but there is a second room outside, with a long counter for getting drinks.


Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 13:15:52 -0500
From: Tanguero Chino <tanguerochino@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: Re: Environment of dancing floors

Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR> wrote:

>7) Well, the last condition is almost impossible, at least in Buenos Aires: a smoke free area to dance :) But , I have to mention that I would like such an environment.

I have just happened upon a club that is smoke-free, at least in the area for dancing, and this is a salsa club. Due to city regulations for restaurant spaces, they have created a smoking room totally separated from the dance floor and tables, including the ventilation system. More importantly, the smoking room is fully functional restaurant space if patrons prefer to have drinks or food there.

The set-up of the space is almost perfect as well, with the tables separated from the dance floor by railing, and multiple entry points to the dance floor. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until the tango community grows enough to support it because the capacity of the club is big (> 150). Fortunately, tango has a foot in the door. A one-hour beginner's class is being given once a week for now, with some practica time before and after.

Another solution I saw was having two milongas (on different days), one of which is smoke-free. I still prefer the separated smoking room idea though.

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