1592  The Exclamation Point!


Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:21:37 -0700
From: Captain Charisma <auto_d20@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: The Exclamation Point!

--- Michael Figart II <michaelfigart@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> El Duke!
> Thanks for exposing us "close-embracers", as well as
> your own ignorance!
> Now we know why you "relocate so quick"!
> Hope you "keep relocating", and thanks again!!!
> Wow, you're such a threat!
>(maybe you should stay in the middle!).
> Sure!
> Thank goodness I had a teacher early on with whom I
> spent many weeks dancing with no arms!
> She taught me how to lead, not direct!

Can addressing a person be that exciting? I thought to
myself, this person is headed for an emotional burn

A chorus of exclamation points says two things about
your writing: First, you're not confident that what
you're saying is important, so you need bells and
whistles to get attention. Second, you don't know a
really startling idea when you see one.

A well executed gancho or boleo can save your life, my
friend. Think about it...

El Duke.

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