4215  The Fall on the woman


Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 20:10:55 +0000
From: "Sergio Vandekier" <sergiovandekier990@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Tango-L] The Fall on the woman
To: tango-l@mit.edu

Dear fellow milongueros,

I went to the local milonga last night having decided that I
had to try Derik's move which I took the liberty of calling "The fall on the

I got there and selected (with a languid stare and nod) a beautiful brunette
that was sitting in front of me, she nodded back and there we went chest to
chest right to the line of dance in the periphery of the room.

At a certain moment, taking advantage of some rather dramatic musical
variations I left the line and headed to the center of the room.

Once there I opened a step to my left, I placed her on her right leg; here I
did a lapiz with my right leg and then with the same leg a heel sacada on
her standing foot. She fell on her back and there I went on top of her.
Exactly as described in Huston.

The good part was that the other dancers were at the periphery, the women
with closed eyes and the men hyper concentrated in the music trying to
follow the milonga codes. They did not noticed anything.

In the mean time I lead a little 'meneo' a few low boleos and an amague or
two. Guess what? You are not going to believe it!

Wammm! something unexpected happened ! I had a 'magic experience', uhmm...
I think that it was more than magical. It was extraordinary. I died and
went to paradise.

To think that my good friend (Obscur Bardo) Jonathan (I hope you are reading
Jonathan) some time ago was pondering and pondering trying to find a sure
way of consistently having Magical Experiences while dancing tango. He did
not find it.

And now, Eureka !!! I found it !!! A magical Experience. She must have had
it too because afterwards she stared at me all night long, asking for an
ancore. I did it, I invited her to dance again and the same thing
happened...three times in a row. Unbelivable.

So here we have been critizicing poor Derik and he is a real innovator.
Somebody like Carlos Estevez
(Petroleo) the inventor of the boleo and the molinete.

And there were some that thought he had fallen on his partner ...by mistake
!!! Ha! Ha!. No sir! he was improvising, inventing new moves and figures
like any good milonguero is supposed to do.

We should all be grateful for this discoveryand apologize as suggested

I left the milonga a little tired, knees and waist bent, after all those
magical experiences, I was all wet, with perspiration.

Now I am planning tonight again, I want to try it with other three or four
girls that seem to be anxious to dance with me.

Do not worry girls, there are magical experiences for all of you.

As I say good by for now, I recommend you to be careful when practicing
this move and by all means do not do it alone.

Best regards, Sergio

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