152  A Female/Follows perspective on dancing in Portland


Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 17:03:09 -0400
From: Patricia Thompson <AlaskaTango@NETSCAPE.NET>
Subject: A Female/Follows perspective on dancing in Portland

Dancing Friends~

I have been fortunate enough to have danced in Portland Oregon as well. I have traveled down there at least six times in the last your to visit a dear friend, attend workshops and just dance. I am happy to say that I now consider Portland my 'Home Away From Home'!

For me it was very important to initially have a friend there that helped introduce me in incriments to the tango dance community. He went out of his way to introduce me to folks and looked for chances to 'exchange partners' as a means for me to get a chance to dance with experienced dancers. I am not naturally an outgoing person, but, I can say that it is very important in the social dance community to reach out and show your genuine interest in others. It will be the means for some very nice dances and possible lasting friendships!

Wishing everyone pleasant dances on their Tango Journey!

in Anchorage, Alaska

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