3703  Fwd: Meet in the Middle... of Walmart


Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:46:18 -0700
From: Rick Barbarash <rbarbarash@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Fwd: Meet in the Middle... of Walmart

Makes sense to me!

Tal Stein <lindygroove@yahoo.com> wrote:To: "St. Louis Tango" <st_louis_tango@yahoogroups.com>

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:48:00 -0400
From: John Gleeson <johngleeson1@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Meet in the Middle... of Walmart

Rick writes:

> We also talked about how it all relates to Tango, and how Tango might need its own unification effort between the traditional and
> the alternative. After all, they are both valid and both need to exist in the same universe so we can avoid a big bang.

> Finally, discussion about Tango turned to talk about booze. I asked him which beers he prefers, local or imported. Bubba just
> smiled and said: "Why choose when I can just drink them both?"
> Why indeed?

Because some people have better taste than others and
are able to differentiate between the good and the bad . . . . .

Said with tongue in cheek (well, somewhat!) and waiting for the flames :<)

John G.

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:18:42 -0700
From: Ed Loomis <TangoBear@POBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Meet in the Middle... of Walmart

Hi folks,
Karen Whitesell has done nothing to deserve having chicken manure like this
flung at her. What's your point Rick? Thank you for this weeks descent into
trailer park trash for the Tango-L. Since it seems inevitable anymore let us get
it over with. Ciao...............

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:46:18 -0700, Rick Barbarash <rbarbarash@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

>Makes sense to me!
>Tal Stein <lindygroove@yahoo.com> wrote:To: "St. Louis Tango" <st_louis_tango@yahoogroups.com>
>From: Tal Stein <lindygroove@yahoo.com>
>Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:28:32 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: [St. Louis Tango] Meet in the Middle... of Walmart
>Yes, once again work has been kind enough to send me to Oak Ridge (middle of nowhere), Tennessee. So you guessed it, time for the annual Walmart Milonga.
>The events kicked of with a tearful reunion with Ethel and Bubba at the Tire and Auto department as they were greasing the floor for the dance and fixin' their famous toilet bowl flower arrangements. The Milonga was exciting and hopping. Thelma Sue made her special spam barbecue patties and the local band "Brenda and the Knockers" played in the corner under the bug zapper.
>Later on when things settled down, Bubba and I sat down and had a fascinating conversation about Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics. We discussed how both theories are valid yet they also contradict each other in many ways. However, since they both exist in the same universe, physicists understood decades ago that they have to try to unify them. And now, after a lot of brain racking, they finally came up with the String Theory, which might actually make sense of all this mess.
>We also talked about how it all relates to Tango, and how Tango might need its own unification effort between the traditional and the alternative. After all, they are both valid and both need to exist in the same universe so we can avoid a big bang.
>Finally, discussion about Tango turned to talk about booze. I asked him which beers he prefers, local or imported. Bubba just smiled and said: "Why choose when I can just drink them both?"
>Why indeed?

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:52:27 -0700
From: Michael at Tango Bellingham <michaele@TANGOBELLINGHAM.COM>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Meet in the Middle... of Walmart

Well, I've haven't been to Karen's event in Missouri yet, but I can
guarantee you one thing: if this is the level to which our colleagues
feel compelled to stoop, I for one will never, *ever* go to the New
Orleans event, and I will strongly discourage my students and friends
from doing so.

Alberto and Valerie should publicly disavow any and all connections to
these jerks, and apologize here and elsewhere to Karen.

Tango Bellingham

Rick Barbarash wrote:

> Makes sense to me!
> Tal Stein <lindygroove@yahoo.com> wrote:To: "St. Louis Tango"
> <st_louis_tango@yahoogroups.com> From: Tal Stein
> <lindygroove@yahoo.com> Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:28:32 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [St. Louis Tango] Meet in the Middle... of Walmart
> Yes, once again work has been kind enough to send me to Oak Ridge
> (middle of nowhere), Tennessee. So you guessed it, time for the
> annual Walmart Milonga.
> The events kicked of with a tearful reunion with Ethel and Bubba at
> the Tire and Auto department as they were greasing the floor for the
> dance and fixin' their famous toilet bowl flower arrangements. The
> Milonga was exciting and hopping. Thelma Sue made her special spam
> barbecue patties and the local band "Brenda and the Knockers" played
> in the corner under the bug zapper.
> Later on when things settled down, Bubba and I sat down and had a
> fascinating conversation about Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity
> and Quantum Physics. We discussed how both theories are valid yet
> they also contradict each other in many ways. However, since they
> both exist in the same universe, physicists understood decades ago
> that they have to try to unify them. And now, after a lot of brain
> racking, they finally came up with the String Theory, which might
> actually make sense of all this mess.
> We also talked about how it all relates to Tango, and how Tango might
> need its own unification effort between the traditional and the
> alternative. After all, they are both valid and both need to exist
> in the same universe so we can avoid a big bang.
> Finally, discussion about Tango turned to talk about booze. I asked
> him which beers he prefers, local or imported. Bubba just smiled and
> said: "Why choose when I can just drink them both?"
> Why indeed?
> Cheers!

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 13:24:34 -0700
From: Angel Montero <angel_montero01@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Meet in the Middle...

Michael is totally right; Alberto and Valerie should
disconnect themselves from this kind of comments.

I only see a problem with that: the last message
posted was "on behalf" of Valorie Hart, so I assume
those were her opinions. The question is why didn't
she post it herself?, why did she say that the
organizers of New Orleans can't answer the criticism?
Actually it is Karen the one being trashed because
Oleg had the idea of comparing attendance to both
events last year. By the way, I agree with him: the
level of dancing was great, and the classes were
perfect. Also, following what Robert Hauk said in one
of those classes, I always want to meet in the middle
with my partner; if I have to go all the way, that
means that she has no presence and she will not
respond to my lead, but that is just my preference.
I don't think Karen ever had in mind to compete with
anybody. Also, as one of the CHEAP people who met in
the middle this year, I can assure everybody that the
Missouri event did not take any people from the New
Orleans one. Nobody there would have gone to NO. The
idea of each festival is completely different and
there is room for both types of events the same
weekend. People will vote with their feet and decide
which one is better for them. Think about Memorial Day
with two huge events: Denver and Miami. I never saw a
complain from any of the organizers.
One more thing: yesterday morning I received the first
announcement for Meet in the Middle next year; 12
hours later I received the noticed about New Orleans.
Who should cancel this time?


P.S.: Rick Barbarash was one of the most enthusiastic
participants in Mt Vernon's festival (thanks for the
ride to my hotel Friday night, BTW). He is right, it
is better to read the messages before jumping to
conclusions, and, even worse, before posting them.

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