Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 13:42:27 -0700
From: Ed Loomis <tangobear@POBOX.COM>
Subject: (fwd) Stupid remarks
Dear Mr. Centella,
It's good to hear that someone is enjoying the current tempest in a teapot
over the v-frame embrace which has boiled over into pious pronouncements about
the "one true way to dance tango!" Most of these posts start with a quite
reasonable statement about what the poster has learned that works for them. It
is the following long winded justification of what works for them as "RIGHT"
that descends into blather. Of course there are different styles of tango, and
different ways to address your partner in the abrazo. Everybody is different and
what works for me is just that and nothing more. Carrying on over to v or not to
v or splitting hairs over this degree of v vs. that degree of v, ad infinitum,
sheds no light on the issue. What makes this lady comfortable in my arms in this
moment is what is important and I have to figure that out on the spot. This, of
course, assumes that my intention is to share an enjoyable tango experience with
this lady. If my intention is to impose my will and the rightness of my style of
tango on her then perhaps not, but that would fall outside my understanding of
tango. So, Mr. Centella, if you dislike the fact that I am bored to tears with
this v-frame thread you're probably not alone and you're welcome to it.
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 11:36:31 -0700, Julian Centella <tangotiger888@YAHOO.COM>
>Larry Gmucs says "I could analyze Tango until I can't move anymore, but
>I'd rather dance and please my follower."
>Then Ed Loomis from Sacramento answers: "Thank you, Larry, for this moment of sanity in a wilderness of blather."
>This is a list to discuss any aspect of Argentine Tango. Each time we have an interesting subject attracting many participants to express their opinion, we get stupid remarks of those that never provide the list with an intelligent thought.
>If you do not have anything interesting to say do not put down those that do.
>We also dance AND have something to say as well. Talking about blather.
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