3177  Getting back to normal


Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 20:01:08 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: Getting back to normal

After a month without dancing, I was overjoyed to hear the news that
Enrique's milonga was opening at Region Leonesa on Saturday afternoon. I
passed the word along to others since there had been no announcements made
either on 2X4 radio or Solo Tango tv about milonga openings and few use the
internet. I walked to Leonesa since I live only twelve blocks away. As I
arrived at the corner, I could hear tango music coming from inside the hall.
I had been holding my breath that the milonga wouldn't be cancelled as so
many had been in the past few weeks. The music confirmed that I would be
dancing as I had planned for the next several hours.

As I walked up the staircase, the music energized and inspired me. Weeks
had passed since I had really danced. I don't count the night I went to
Circulo Trovador in Vicente Lopez or the night I had one tanda in Salon
Canning before the police closed the place. The cashier who greeted me with
a big smile and a hug understood how happy I was to be there. My first
glimpse of the floor full of dancers was exhiliarating. I could hardly wait
to get on the floor to dance.

Enrique Rosich greeted me. He, too, was glad to be back in business since
this milonga is his only work. He and Milva give a class before the milonga.

There were so many smiling faces, evidence that everyone was glad to be back
in the milonga. I felt a high energy level. It was like a reunion with
friends whom you hadn't seen for a long time. A woman commented that the
milonga is the only place she feels comfortable going alone since there are
always so many people she knows.

Dancers started leaving around 9pm and others began to arrive. The dancing
wasn't going to stop until 4:00 in the morning. The changing of milonga
organizers happens around 10:30pm when the Milonga de Los Consagrados ends
and the milonga El Cachafaz begins. Carlitos, the DJ, kept the music going
continuously as the second shift of dancers (mainly couples) including lots
of tourists started arriving after 11pm. The two milongas are like night
and day. I got nailed in the foot by a young, inexperienced tourist wearing
her new spiked heels which she is not ready to use. I sat out several
tandas to apply ice to my bleeding foot. The last tandas weren't enjoyable
since my attention focused on protecting my feet.

Tito Palumbo was there to distribute the January issue of B.A. Tango and the
new Guia Trimestral with complete information on everything to do with tango
in BsAs. Unfortunately, we will still have to wait for word on when there
will be other milonga openings, and tango in Buenos Aires will be back to

Janis Kenyon
Buenos Aires

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:10:30 -0300
From: Tango Partners in Buenos Aires <tango_partner_ba@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Re: Getting back to normal

Some more information about opened milongas in Buenos Aires City and suburbs:

Fridays / Viernes

Parakultural (at Villa Malcom, later at Salon Canning)

La Viruta

Torquato Tasso

La Glorieta de Barrancas de Belgrano (Outdoor in the park) Open-air / Aire libre

Club Gricel (from February 4th)

La Barranca Club Banco Provincia

Cmrculo Trovador (February 4th: Exhibition by / Exhibicisn de Miguel Angel Zotto

La Luna Club 25 de Mayo, (Outdoors) Open-air. Not cancelled for rain. Aire libre. No esta suspendido por lluvia.

Saturdays / Sabados

Hictor y Norma (from "Lo de Celia") Temporarily at Club Villa Malcolm,

Milonga de Los Consagrados at Centro Regisn Leonesa (5:00pm to 10:00pm)

El Cachafaz at Centro Regisn Leonesa (11:00pm to 04:00am)

Milonga de Las Morochas at El Beso

La Viruta

Torquato Tasso

Sunderland Club

La Glorieta de Barrancas de Belgrano (Outdoor in the park) Open-air / Aire libre

Club Gricel (from February 4th)

La Calesita at Club IMOS, (outdoors) Open-air. Cancelled if rain./ Aire libre. Esta suspendido por lluvia.

Los Copelinis at Plaza Lola Mora, Costanera Sur (near / cerca de San Telmo) outdoors Open-air. Cancelled if rain.

Club Los Bohemios Necochea

Cmrculo Trovador

Bomberos Club Ramos Mejma

Club Pedro Echag|e Couples only / Solamente parejas

Nochero Soy at Club Platense, Vicente Lspez

Club Glorias Argentina

Sundays / Domingos

Torquato Tasso

La Viruta

El Beso

La Glorieta de Barrancas de Belgrano (Outdoor in the park) Open-air / Aire libre

Club Gricel

Porteqo y Bailarin (from February 1st)

Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires

La Milonguita at Club Platense

La Barranca Club Banco Provincia,

Mi Club at Banfield

Bomberos Club at Ramos Mejma

Club Glorias Argentina at Mataderos

Mondays / Lunes

Lunes de Tango Cmrculo Trovador,

Parakultural (at Villa Malcom, later at Canning)

Tuesdays / Martes

Porteqo y Bailarin

Un Montsn de Tango at El Beso

Cmrculo Trovador (February 1st: Exhibition by / Exhibicisn de Jeszs Velazquez y Mariela Cerrezuela)

Sentimental y Coqueta at Club Platense.

Wednesdays / Miircoles

La Nacional

Shusheta at Salon Dandi,

Cmrculo Trovador, February 2nd: With live music /. Con mzsica en vivo, Los Reyes del Tango

Imagen at Club Banco Provincia,

Thursdays / Jueves

Milonga del Centenario Cmrculo Trovador,

Bomberos Club at Ramos Mejma

Best regards from

Julio C.

Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR> wrote:...Unfortunately, we will still have to wait for word on when there
will be other milonga openings, and tango in Buenos Aires will be back to normal.

Janis Kenyon
Buenos Aires

Abrazos y besos from 

Julio C.
Julio Eduardo Corazza
- Your Tango Partners in Buenos Aires -
(54 11) 4752-0213

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