2771  Gothic Milongas


Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 03:33:39 +0000
From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Gothic Milongas

If Gothic Milongas do not interest you, please kindly press 'delete'.

I must confess my ignorance, I had seen fellows dressed as described by Jay
but I ignored that they were Gothic. Apparently there are Gothic Clubs all
over the world.

I live in an enchanted forest at the border of a mysterious lake. They both
are populated by elfs and magic creatures. I have seen them spying by the
windows when we dance at our " tango pavilion".
They seem to be intrigued and I have surprised them under a full moon,
dancing tango in the forest after midnight. I am planing a Gothic Milonga
and will invite all of them.

Reading about gothic clubs in Buenos Aires ...

I found an interesting article: Clothing for the Gothic Man - The author of
the article says:

I think that the way you dress is a manifestation of your concept of life.
Your personality and look is part of your style. The best attire is the one
that seems natural, the one you wear with ease, the one that falls with
elegance. It is useless to dress in a particular way if you are not
Each man is a world apart, even when you may share a style, you will leave
your print on whatever you wear, this is called to personalize a style.

You must study your physical appearance first, so that you may select a
style that fits such an structure.

To dress is to prepare yourself to represent a drama as the actor that
internalizes a character, feelings, thoughts, mannerisms and attitude.

The favorite color is black (like in tango), it will become you better if
you are very pale (you may use make up).
The material texture will vary with the seasons. Cold weather gives more
possibilities, long capes or long coats made of leather, vinyl, velvet; but
summer could be a nice period if you have some imagination.

Gothic clothing will always have a mysterious halo.

When the temperature goes up, transparent, lace shirts will show your
muscular definition and will give you a more androgynous appearance.

Long, ritual capes with laces on the chest give you a look of Dark warlock.
they can be short or long, with or without hoods.

*If you wish to have a more dramatic look : choose pants that shape your
lower body, chains or leather straps on your chest and a belt with lots of
metal. **Those more dearing will wear long skirts over their pants achieving
a very theatrical effect.

Accessories are very important, they are made of silver, naturally. Each man
shall have many rings, bracelets, ear rings, pendants, collars, etc, they
are a symbol of his taste. A rosary strategically placed may give an
interesting look to an otherwise monotonous attire.

You may be a knight of the middle ages, a Lord of the Victorian period, a
magic forest elf, a dark warlock, an androgynous, a lord, or a slave, who
emanate strong seduction. It is important to live your character for that
particular night at the very least. Your attire should be worn with absolute

Now go ahead and dress as your favorite character and penetrate the depth of
the night for she is waiting for you with open arms.

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:56:45 +0900
From: astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP>
Subject: Re: Gothic Milongas

> Reading about gothic clubs in Buenos Aires ...

article: Clothing for the Gothic Man - > You may be a knight of the middle
ages, a Lord of the Victorian period, a

> magic forest elf, a dark warlock, an androgynous, a lord, or a slave, who
> emanate strong seduction. It is important to live your character for that
> particular night at the very least. Your attire should be worn with


> naturalness.
> Now go ahead and dress as your favorite character and penetrate the depth


> the night for she is waiting for you with open arms.

I don't see how anyone can wear such clothes with "absolute naturalness". As
for a "slave who emanates strong seduction", men in skirts, white make up
and whatever other "just risen from the grave"- accessories, this certainly
would not work for me. No waiting with open arms to be expected from this
side. I am no necrophile, and my appetite for the bizarre is limited to
Sergio, just keep the black clothes and throw out all the other stuff, and
let's stick to plain good old tango, ok? Or are there any Gothic tango steps
to go with those clothes?

Astrid, a Johnny Depp fan who skipped Scissorhands

In Tokyo,there is a whole Gothic fashion movement, but from what I can see,
all those kids do, is to arrive at a certain station, change into their gear
and put on make up inside the station loo, and then stand around or sit on
the ground next to that station all afternoon to be gawked at.

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 08:47:01 -0700
From: Razor Girl <dilettante666@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Gothic Milongas

--- astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP> wrote>

> men in skirts, white make up
> and whatever other "just risen from the grave"-
> accessories, this certainly
> would not work for me. No waiting with open arms to
> be expected from this
> side.

Speak for yourself Astrid. I love this type of thing.
Hell, if a guy is wearing the same color lipstick
that I am I just swoon.

To gothic tangoers, feel free to come to Portland.
We'll have fun!

Portland, OR

Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 12:26:02 -0600
From: David Hodgson <DHodgson@TANGO777.COM>
Subject: Re: Gothic Milongas

Rose you already know my opinion on this..
Denver is open as well for Gothic Tango.....
Will see you down at the club soon.

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [TANGO-L] Gothic Milongas

--- astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP> wrote>

> men in skirts, white make up
> and whatever other "just risen from the grave"-
> accessories, this certainly
> would not work for me. No waiting with open arms to
> be expected from this
> side.

Speak for yourself Astrid. I love this type of thing.
Hell, if a guy is wearing the same color lipstick
that I am I just swoon.

To gothic tangoers, feel free to come to Portland.
We'll have fun!

Portland, OR

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:15:34 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: Gothic milongas in Bs As

Dear friends from tango list

It was interesting to read about the comments on people and how they dress at the milongas . I don t know if this is part of a change on the people who go to milongas, or if it is part of a more complex change on generations.

I was watching yesterday an interview with Leopoldo Federico and he comment that he was astonished to see how many young and good musicians were popping up every day. His general attitude was of relief, and he said it was good to know there were new people, since he thought in the 19704s that tango was going to fade into oblivion .

This young musicians , playing in different ensambles ( trio, sextet, orchestra, quintets , etc..) have their fans , that will go with them to the shows, so this is a change for sure.

Names of groups like ValeTango ( they play at Challiot Theatre with Buenos Aires via 2 in year 2003) , Orquesta Fernandez Fierro ( they have the singer Walter "Chino"Laborde, that is also working in movies and theatre) , El Arranque , Erica Di Salvo sextet , Orquesta Contratiempo , Bardos Cadeneros, De Coti ( a quartet of saxophones), Ultratango ( the two sons of the singer Raul Lavie with other musics, playing Piazzolla and some other alternative music), Orquesta Bien de Abajo, etc.etc..

This groups have been for the last years ( 5 to 10 years) , checking what to do, changing their musicians, and what is more important, taking lessons and playing with old musicians, which gave whatever they know without hiding anything, like Anibal Arias, Emilio Balcarce, Leopoldo Federico, Horacio Salgan , Carlos Garello , etc..etc.. I mention specifically this people , because I know they are involved with specific institutions locally , teaching technique of music, but esentially, what is know as the "ronia" the mud or the style that the musician learns "in the street" not in a conservatory.

This that had happened with music, maybe is happening with tango dance as a social dance, and in this case , it will totally different the outcome , since the learning and teaching of tango dance , is still not under a well known rule or syllabus , or whatever could be consider a reference frame.

You can not discuss with a guitar teacher, how to play the LA note with the 5th chord. Is a 440 sound .

But in teaching and learning tango steps, and tango dancing socially at the milongas .... there is a wide world over in Buenos Aires , and I am not sure the same open mind from old generations to new generations as in musicians, prevail.

I have talked with old milongueros, not the number ones, but common people, that liked to have some dancing once a week, and they told me they do not like the music that are played at the milongas , also they do not like to have other music beside tango , and the atmosphere, they say , is too noisy . So this guys prefer to stay at home, or go to some milongas "de barrio / neighbourhood small milongas" that still exist, are very humble, maybe 30 persons, all know one each other , and they dance peacefully with the music they like. They do not resent to receive visitor, but they do not like to be at the limelights, promoting their dancing place. They like it the way it is. Like the legendary Club Pinocho in Villa Urquiza, that have their dancing nights, very discreetly. And many other ones , smaller than the milongas of the " primer circuit"

It is an open question wether the milongas will change, close , or reshape , I really do not know the accurate answer.

In the meantime, I think it is good to apply universal codes for socializing at the milongas, being humble, without showing off, and dancing in the space you have , sharing the dancing floor with your fellow dancing couples.

warm regards
alberto gesualdi

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!Tenelo ya!

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 05:43:33 -0700
From: Larry Gmucs <gmucs@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: Gothic milongas in Bs As

Thank you for the calm discussion. Things will
change, things will stay the same. Life goes on.
Everyone, just enjoy the kind of Tango that you do.

--- Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR> wrote:

> Dear friends from tango list


> I have talked with old milongueros, not the number
> ones, but common people, that liked to have some
> dancing once a week, and they told me they do not
> like the music that are played at the milongas ,
> also they do not like to have other music beside
> tango , and the atmosphere, they say , is too noisy
> . So this guys prefer to stay at home, or go to some
> milongas "de barrio / neighbourhood small milongas"
> that still exist, are very humble, maybe 30 persons,
> all know one each other , and they dance peacefully
> with the music they like. They do not resent to
> receive visitor, but they do not like to be at the
> limelights, promoting their dancing place. They like
> it the way it is. Like the legendary Club Pinocho in
> Villa Urquiza, that have their dancing nights, very
> discreetly. And many other ones , smaller than the
> milongas of the " primer circuit"
> It is an open question wether the milongas will
> change, close , or reshape , I really do not know
> the accurate answer.
> In the meantime, I think it is good to apply
> universal codes for socializing at the milongas,
> being humble, without showing off, and dancing in
> the space you have , sharing the dancing floor with
> your fellow dancing couples.


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