1752  HELP!!


Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:04:02 -0300
From: la guacha <lamasguacha@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: HELP!!

Hi can someone on the list help me.
I have tried several times to unsubscribe by sending emails to
and then to TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU as well with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the
It has not worked.
please help and advise
la guacha

Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 23:35:42 -0700
From: JC Dill <tango@VO.CNCHOST.COM>
Subject: Re: HELP!!

At 08:04 AM 8/25/2003, la guacha wrote:

>Hi can someone on the list help me.
>I have tried several times to unsubscribe by sending emails to
>and then to TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU as well with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in
>the text.

If you look carefully at the footer of every post to this list:

>To subscribe to Tango-A,

It gives you clues about how the listserver works. It gives the list
server address:


and it gives an example command:

subscribe Tango-A Firstname Lastname

which you can see is in the format of:

action listname options

Follow that format and create a message to the listserver
<LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> with your desired action, listname, and options
(if necessary, they aren't necessary to unsubscribe):

unsubscribe tango-l

Then you must reply to the confirmation email that the listserver will send
to your email account Be sure that you don't have any filters on your
email that might prevent you from getting the confirmation email.

Saying "unsubscribe" *alone* is insufficient because there are many lists
at the listserver, it needs to know WHAT list you want to be unsubscribed from.

Sending to the list submission address <TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> may result
in your message being distributed back to the list, which annoys the other
list subscribers but doesn't get you unsubscribed as desired.



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