Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 18:19:48 -0400
From: Daniel Saindon <gardien@TANGO.MONTREAL.QC.CA>
Subject: Ideas or people ? (Neo-tango)
Good evening
Dan, wrote:
>>Sharna did not publicize her article here on Tango-L.
>>There must be a reason. If she wanted it to get onto tango-L,
>>she could easily have done so. Someone on Tango-L published
>>her website link to the list, not Sharna.
>>She did NOT, I'm sure, intend for
>>her article to be "discussed" on tango-L.
I think that Sharna`s message is in
the public domain and as such, she
should be aware of the utilization that
comes with it.
I do not see the difference between a discussion
on different manifestations of public performance
such as tango teachings, Tango CDs, Shows,
and articles in magazines or web pages.
I am not aware of having upsetted the rules
of the Tango List;
My intent was to porvide information to
other members of this List unaware of this broadcast,
the same way I was grateful to my informer.
I would like to think that members found
this article useful and would hope
my contribution to the ensuing discussion
if there is one, becomes as much appreciated.
Dan worries about flaming somebody who
does not wish to discuss his/her ideas with
this forum. I am sure, there will be
people in this list compelled to explain
it from thir point of view and perharps defend it
if necessary...
the same way, I felt compelled to defend
bad reviews on ASSASSINATION TANGO on this List,
some time ago. I felt compelled to present
many positive aspects from that movie.
Remember we are discussing ideas, not people.
Best regards
Daniel Saindon
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