3731  III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Escenario


Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 22:50:34 +0900
From: astrid <astrid@RUBY.PLALA.OR.JP>
Subject: Re: III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Escenario

The news will appear on the web tomorrow, but here is what is already known
in Tokyo of the final results:

2nd place:
Ryo Tsuneo Ikemoto and Chie Ikemoto, from Osaka, Japan
4th place:
Cristian Andres Lopez and Rika Noda. Cristian is Argentine and Rika
Japanese, and they both work at our milonga in Tokyo and are employed by the
Luna de Tango company.

Astrid in Tokyo

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:48:43 +0200
From: Áron ECSEDY <aron@MILONGA.HU>
Subject: Re: III Campeonato Mundial de Tango -- finals Tango de Escenario

The first three:

1. Germán Nicolás Cornejo y Angeles Trabichet (Zárate / Prov. Bs.As.)
2. Ryo y Chie Ikemoto (Hyogo / Japón)
3. Roberto Castillo y Paula Andrea Ballesteros (Claypole / Prov.Bs.As.)

There was 1 (one) couple from the US (Miami) and 1 from Australia, 6 couples
for Japan - for both styles. 12/8 couples for Europe (Italy, Russia,
Hungary, Spain, Germany - also Ireland and Portugal for Salón).

Despite the hype govBsAs is pushing this only means 19 couples out of 285
(salón) and 15 couples out of 127 (escenario) came from other continents.
7-12% is not much (although still better than IDO's performance).

As far as I know about the local qualifying rounds, they are planned to be
organized in 25 countries. Apparently the guys over BsAs know what they are
doing. They created a big competition, now they start to collect people with
the bucks to spend through these local competitions (and local teachers),
while getting some work (and possibility to sell their knowledge as the
'elite' one) for their own teachers.


Ecsedy Áron

Tel: +36 (20) 329 66 99
ICQ# 46386265

* * * * *

"Follow those who seek the truth.
Run from those who claim to have found it."

"There is more than one way to cook an omlette."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of Any Aspect of the Argentine Tango
> [mailto:TANGO-L@MITVMA.MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of astrid
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 3:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [TANGO-L] III Campeonato Mundial de Tango --
> finals Tango de Escenario
> The news will appear on the web tomorrow, but here is what is
> already known in Tokyo of the final results:
> 2nd place:
> Ryo Tsuneo Ikemoto and Chie Ikemoto, from Osaka, Japan 4th place:
> Cristian Andres Lopez and Rika Noda. Cristian is Argentine
> and Rika Japanese, and they both work at our milonga in Tokyo
> and are employed by the Luna de Tango company.
> Cheers
> Astrid in Tokyo

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