3719  III Tango championship rules-


Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:46:11 -0300
From: Alberto Gesualdi <clambat2001@YAHOO.COM.AR>
Subject: III Tango championship rules-

Dear friends from Tango list
I send a complain to the organizers of the Tango championship , concerning the inclusion of Natasha Poberaj and Fabian Salas into tango salon category.

Here is the official answer, that legally has no further action to do. The Tango salon category rules have changed this year, it is allowed amateurs and non amateurs to intervene . The leaflets printed with the rules establish clearly this point , i,..e." Tango salon - participacion libre // Tango salon - free entry " and then it says that this category is open for any class of contestants.

Morally is not aceptable , since professionals trained to dance and collect money for their jobs. Amateurs , just dance for the fun of it, once in a week, and not as an income for their living .

Well ...... maybe the next championship will have tango salon -aficionados & tango salon - profesionales , so birds of the same feather would be able to show themselves into the cage to whom they belong

warm regards
alberto gesualdi

Estimado Sr. Gesualdi:

Me han enviado el email que le remitiera al Secretario de Cultura, Dr. Gustavo Lspez. En relacisn a su inquietud, pongo en su conocimiento que la participacisn en ambas categormas es libre; es decir, no esta restringida a profesionales o aficionados. Si visita la pagina web del evento observara la siguiente descripcisn de la competencia:

El III Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango contara con dos categormas:

Tango Salsn (participacisn libre)

Su objetivo es promover el baile social a nivel internacional como una practica popular autinticamente rioplatense. Se evaluaran el buen gusto y los parametros del baile popular, entre los que se cuentan el abrazo continuo, el estilo, la circulacisn en la pista, el baile al piso, la cadencia y el compas.

Para saber csmo es la competencia, haga click aqui.

Asimismo, en el Reglamento que puede encontrar en el mismo sitio se lee:

La Direccisn General Festivales de Ciudad, convoca al III Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango que se desarrollara entre el 12 y el 21 de agosto de 2005 en la Ciudad Autsnoma de Buenos Aires, con ajuste a las presentes

1. La presente edicisn del Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango, comprenda las siguientes categormas: Tango Salsn y Tango de Escenario para Parejas, (ambos de participacisn libre, para aficionados y profesionales).

Tal vez, su duda venga generada porque en la primera edicisn del Mundial de la categorma Tango Salsn sslo podman participar aficionados.

Carolina Simsn
Produccisn General

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Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:12:19 -0400
From: Stephane Fymat <stephane_fymat@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: III Tango championship rules-

So, help me understand this...

You made a complaint because two professional dancers entered into a
competition in compliance with the rules, because you personally consider it
immoral for professionals to compete with non-professionals?

It was an open competition, no one was forced to enter, everyone had free
choice, and everyone knew that professionals might enter.

If you don't like it, you are also free to set up your own competition and
run it as you see fit.

By the way, it's Fabian Peralta, not Fabian Salas.
-----Original Message-----

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: [TANGO-L] III Tango championship rules-

Dear friends from Tango list
I send a complain to the organizers of the Tango championship , concerning
the inclusion of Natasha Poberaj and Fabian Salas into tango salon category.

Here is the official answer, that legally has no further action to do. The
Tango salon category rules have changed this year, it is allowed amateurs
and non amateurs to intervene . The leaflets printed with the rules
establish clearly this point , i,..e." Tango salon - participacion libre //
Tango salon - free entry " and then it says that this category is open for
any class of contestants.

Morally is not aceptable , since professionals trained to dance and collect
money for their jobs. Amateurs , just dance for the fun of it, once in a
week, and not as an income for their living .

Well ...... maybe the next championship will have tango salon -aficionados &
tango salon - profesionales , so birds of the same feather would be able to
show themselves into the cage to whom they belong

warm regards
alberto gesualdi

Estimado Sr. Gesualdi:

Me han enviado el email que le remitiera al Secretario de Cultura, Dr.
Gustavo Lspez. En relacisn a su inquietud, pongo en su conocimiento que la
participacisn en ambas categormas es libre; es decir, no esta restringida a
profesionales o aficionados. Si visita la pagina web del evento observara la
siguiente descripcisn de la competencia:

El III Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango contara con dos categormas:

Tango Salsn (participacisn libre)

Su objetivo es promover el baile social a nivel internacional como una
practica popular autinticamente rioplatense. Se evaluaran el buen gusto y
los parametros del baile popular, entre los que se cuentan el abrazo
continuo, el estilo, la circulacisn en la pista, el baile al piso, la
cadencia y el compas.

Para saber csmo es la competencia, haga click aqui.

Asimismo, en el Reglamento que puede encontrar en el mismo sitio se lee:

La Direccisn General Festivales de Ciudad, convoca al III Campeonato Mundial
de Baile de Tango que se desarrollara entre el 12 y el 21 de agosto de 2005
en la Ciudad Autsnoma de Buenos Aires, con ajuste a las presentes

1. La presente edicisn del Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango, comprenda
las siguientes categormas: Tango Salsn y Tango de Escenario para Parejas,
(ambos de participacisn libre, para aficionados y profesionales).

Tal vez, su duda venga generada porque en la primera edicisn del Mundial de
la categorma Tango Salsn sslo podman participar aficionados.

Carolina Simsn
Produccisn General

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Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 21:28:07 +0200
From: Áron ECSEDY <aron@MILONGA.HU>
Subject: Re: III Tango championship rules-

I've never imagined that I'll ever meet this problem again in tango...

> clearly this point , i,..e." Tango salon - participacion
> libre // Tango salon - free entry " and then it says that
> this category is open for any class of contestants.

There are dozens of professionals and semi-professionals from other
countries as well. From Hungary definitely.

> Morally is not aceptable , since professionals trained to
> dance and collect money for their jobs. Amateurs , just dance
> for the fun of it, once in a week, and not as an income for
> their living .

Well. This was and is a problem in ballroom as well. Since in ballroom a
"professional" who's attending professional competitions are not necessary
earn their living from dancing, and those considered "amateurs" may be
professionals in the common sense. Being a professional means that you get a
salary for competing (like professional football (soccer)), while an amateur
may recieve a prize for winning certain competitions (s)he does not get
remuneration for dancing as such. Teaching is not a factor in this.
Especially, that there is a big difference in teaching amateur competitors
and adult beginners to rumba basic. (just imagine how unfair would it be to
force amateur dancers who spend lots of money for lessons not to teach,
while those who don't want to compete can teach with only a 4 week crash
course behind their backs...)

It is a legal question really: you cannot define professional as such. If
you say, you organize competitions for those who don't recieve remuneration
for their dancing skills, you may find that many amateur dancers may perform
or teach occasionally, while if you limit the entrants to those who earn
their living through dancing, you'll see that many (semi-)professionals in
certain countries really hold another job as well or they might be
ballrom/ballet/step/swing teachers who also dance tango. If I would start
competing for fun in swing, should I be categorized as professional? I would
be the squirrel in the forest fire...

So the only possibility remains: those who categorize themselves as amateurs
will be amateurs...maybe you can filter those who want to be professionals
by forcing them to take some exams or have a certain background, but not the
other way around.

> Well ...... maybe the next championship will have tango salon
> -aficionados & tango salon - profesionales , so birds of the
> same feather would be able to show themselves into the cage
> to whom they belong

Actually, the first BsAs championship was planned to have separate amateur
and professional section, but it didn't work really.

You see: an amateur World Champion is as good in selling lessons and
performances as a professional one. Especially, that most professionals will
NOT risk competing against their market competition for simple financial
reasons... If they loose they loose a lot more than just a competition.

> I send a complain to the organizers of the Tango championship
> , concerning the inclusion of Natasha Poberaj and Fabian
> Salas into tango salon category.

Salas??? Peralta, no?


Ecsedy Áron

Tel: +36 (20) 329 66 99
ICQ# 46386265

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