347  Info for visitors to Buenos Aires


Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 15:45:56 -0300
From: Janis Kenyon <jantango@FEEDBACK.NET.AR>
Subject: Info for visitors to Buenos Aires

An American tourist in Buenos Aires told me that he didn't expect to have
money problems he is having, but things are not the same as in the US.

The government has put a 90-day freeze on accounts during which time people
are able to withdraw only $250 a week from their bank accounts or
investments. There are long lines at the banks. The banks even run out of
cash, a problem for those who want to cash their retirement checks. ATM
machines are widely available, but do run out of money (dollars and pesos).

This tourist doesn't have a debit card or a cash advance on a credit card,
which is why he is having problems. He has to eat at restaurants where his
credit card is accepted. He doesn't want to run out of cash for the
remaining weeks of his visit. He told me the line was very long at the
American Express office to cash travelers checks. He had money wired for
which he will have to pay a high fee.

Be prepared. Bring brand new United States currency and/or a debit card.
You can use a credit card, but may need to show some form of identification.
The United States currency is widely accepted, but it is a good idea to have
pesos available. You can pay in the milongas and classes with dollars.


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